Monday, October 2, 2017

March 13, 2017 Email

Chai everyone, this week was sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so to start off the week, we got done emailing at the cafe when a huge storm hit.  We sat there for like an hour and we couldn't find a ride home for a while.  We finally got in a tro tro (a small bus/van for those who do not know what a tro tro is) and we sat there for like an hour.  We got to this one junction, only bummer was that it was FLOODED!!!!!!  Chai there was so much water, it was crazy!!!!  Koetting and I had to walk through in order to get to the other side.  So in doing so, we found ourselves walking because we were on the wrong side of the highway to get a tro tro home.  We ended up walking from Mallom Junction all the way to Odogono. . .that is like 5 miles!!!!!  We were just walking and talking. . .it was just not a good night haha!!!!

So on the plus side, I am now on my 3rd journal, my last journal cuz it's really big haha!!!!  So the rest of the week was just kind of crazy!  We made it a goal to visit more members in our area and try to see if they would have anyone close to them for us to visit.  Things were pretty crazy haha!!!!!

On Tuesday we saw a guy named Amuako and he was cool.  We sat around waiting for him when I found a nice little puppy to play with, so that made my day.

Since the rain hasn't completely gone away there are still big puddles.  We were riding our bikes when a taxi got stuck, so here's how that worked out:  Koetting was on one side of the puddle while I was on the side with the taxi, guess who found themselves pushing the taxi by themselves haha!!!!  That was Tuesday for ya!

Wednesday was more or less the same.  We had a Zone Conference so that was cool.  We learned about Revelation through the Holy Ghost and also finding people.  I saw a few familiar faces there that brought my mood up.  We came back to the area and I got myself a huge box of Indomie!!!!!  Indomie is basically Top Ramen so that was fun haha!!!!  On the downside, when we were coming back I wrecked and just didn't have it in me haha!!! So yeah, we came back and made some food.  We then had a baptism that night!!!!  We had Robert Brown baptized!!!!  For that guy, he loves the church, the only downside is that he works at the airport so he doesn't have a lot of time for church, but he makes an amazing effort to do so!!!!  Also, Blessing, a small girl with cancer was baptized again because the person who baptized her didn't have the Priesthood.  She is just amazing!!!!!  She is so cute and she really wants to have fun when it comes to meeting new people haha!!!!  She's just amazing!!!

Thursday was interesting.  We went to a place called Agape.  For that area we have a few members and investigators there.  We went to a member's house, the Dosas.  For them, their daughter is going on mission soon, she's going to Nigeria.  We sat and talked and when we came into the house, The Land Before Time movie was playing haha!!!!  I felt like I was 5 years old again!!!!  We went to another part of our area and we chilled there for a bit till we saw our investigator named Henry.  He says he stopped drinking so that's amazing!!!!! 

So I now realize that children of my generation, around the 18-25 years old had the best growing up experience!!!!  I say that because we had the best movies, games and things like that growing up, and we saw the evolutuion of technology throughout our years, so it's cool haha!!!!

Now I'm gonna shove Friday to Sunday in a nutshell.  So we continued in seeing more members in our area.  We have been traveling to areas and places that are crazy haha!!!!  We met a lady named Ivy and she is cool.  We talked to her and she came on Sunday!!!  We went to a member's house and they are sweet!!!!  Brother Nunu and his family are so nice to us!!!  We ate rice and fufu (I ate rice and Koetting ate fufu) and they had Wipeout playing haha!!!  It was cool!!!! So yeah, on Sunday we had Kobby and Robert confirmed as members and they received the Gift of the Holy Ghost and the Aaronic Priesthood.  We didn't have light [power] at our house so we just slept all of last night without any fans and it just sucked haha!!!!  Washed this morning and I almost caught a huge lizard!!!!!  Life here is AMAZING!!!!!

Hope you all are doing amazing!!!!  Also, don't do anything too crazy while I'm gone!!!!!

Elder Stockton Smith

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