Time Traveler or Time Lord? I say that due to the fact that Africans are just not time efficient!!!!!! I also remember the Studio C thing so I had to do it haha!!!!
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Here is the link to the episode he talked about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPuE_nd7hnM |
So this week has been interesting. So Tuesday was a train wreck. We got up and got ready, but Ememem decided to take a nap and he just wasted so much of the day!! We planned and left to go see Janet. We later saw Maxwell and Isaac and we finally finished the Restoration with them. Isaac is the cousin of Maxwell and he already knows a lot of the missionary topics and stuff like that. He really knows this stuff and we go in deep with it. We left and saw a man named John at Ablekuma. he literally took all of our time and we just sat there as he just cherry picked every word we said. . .chai he is annoying. We left and came back.
Wednesday was a little better. We got up and went to DCM and that was aight. Thomas and Kapata are just so annoying and I just can't wait till I leave them/they leave me haha!!!! So we went back and saw Ivy. She was cool and then we went to see Ruth in Ablekuma. We went to see Azuma and it was interesting. We now have the problem of his uncle influencing him to stop the church so that's not fun. We left and taught Ruth. She knew missionaries before and she knows a bit of what we talk about and it was really cool to go and see her. We left and saw Livingston. We had a good lesson on the Book of Mormon and he loves it!!!! We left and came home. Also on that day was the birthday of my bro McFARLAND!!!!!!! He's 20 and going strong!!!!!
So Thursday we got up and went out. We went to Ablekuma and saw Beatrice. We taught her a lot and then moved on to see a girl named Eunice. She's a hair dresser and that was nice to teach her. She doesn't understand a lot of English and can't read, but she seems pretty interested. We left and ran into Naomi!!!! She's a girl Koetting and I contacted a while back and she says she's studying the Book of Mormon and is cross referencing what she finds inside with the Bible and she says it's very interesting. We left and went to Brother Nunoo but he's a turd!!!! He says we need to leave Azuma and to forget about him. . .chai I wanted to punch him!!!!! We went and said hi to Azuma after and we came back. Having Hall in the apartment reminds me a lot of the crazy nerdy stuff I was into when I was back home. Chai I miss Pokemon haha!!!! So that was that day.
Friday we/I did weekly planning and then we went out. We went and met Florence!!!! Chai it has been days since I've seen her!!! When I say days, I mean like months!!!!! We sat down and she said she still had an interest in the church and that she was learning a few things from the Book of Mormon. We left and went to Agapey to see the Dosseh's. We sat and got fed and shared a small scripture with them about testimonies. I read in the Book of Mormon; it was like 23 or 24 chapter of Alma where the people bury their weapons as a testimony to God and to their fellow men. I see that a testimony comes in many different forms and it's amazing to realize that!!!!! So we left and came back to see Maxwell and Isaac. We taught very quickly the Plan of Salvation and that was cool. We left and went to see Livingston. We taught very simply the Word of Wisdom, but I was so tired that day, so I zoned out the whole time haha!!!
Saturday we went out to see Janet. She is doing well, but we still need to continue to help her out a little bit. We got food and we left for Ablekuma. We saw Beatrice and had a nice lesson on the Book of Mormon. We left and went to Abasi, but we weren't able to see anyone.
Sunday we went to church and had 3 people there!!! Livingston, Ivy and Elvanyo's wife!!! We also had another brother there, but we haven't taught him yet so we can't count him as an investigator yet haha!!! We weren't able to confirm Francis cuz he had to go to work and he didn't come. We left and came back. We left for Ablekuma and saw Azuma and Happy. We sat down and talked for a bit, then we got up and helped a lady get water to her house and that was very fun. We found out that she's a member and so that was sweet!!! We left and taught Ruth the first bit of the Restoration and she understands very well. We left and we came back. It's pretty sweet to be honest.
Well I hope you all have had an amazing week and I hope you all are doing ok!!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
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