So this week we have been crazy busy with exchanges and that is always stressful! So first I went with Elder Seninde in their area this last Tuesday and that was pretty fun. Felt like old times working with that guy cuz back in Odoben we went on exchange and well that was interesting haha!!!!
We had a pretty good Wednesday so that was good. We went around and saw a few people and my favorite was when we went to see Azuma in the evening time. He has a baptismal date for the 30th of April and he is pretty interested in the Plan of Salvation. Definitely that is a gospel principle that is very unique to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints haha!!!! After that we were fed by Brother Nunoo and his family. To say the least, Ghanaian people don't really know the importance of living the standards of the Church, mainly cuz the culture here just makes them open to so many things that just aren't normal. Then again, I come from the USA so it is for sure different haha!!!!
Thursday we had another exchange and I took Elder Chimbunde into my area. We had some fun, but it's just so stressful to have exchanges. We met a member named Israel who moved here from Nigeria and he's here for schooling. We sat with him and talked for a bit and they were so nice to us. We met a few people after that and then saw a girl named Sillia. She speaks French and is from Congo, so that's cool. We talked to her and she's pretty interested in the message we have to share. We met with the other guys to switch back and it was just crazy windy and a huge storm was coming! Koetting and I got caught right in it when we were riding our bikes home and we just got soaked.
So the next day we had Weekly Planning and that was aight. We went around and while we were proselyting, we met a girl who said that we shouldn't talk to people who were Christian, but that we should talk to people who aren't Christian. . .that taugth me that our message isn't just for Christians, but that it is for all those who will invite us in and all those who desire to follow Christ. She's just stubborn and just annoying to say the least haha!!! So that night we went to Mallom Junction to meet the Zone Leaders cuz we had an exchange with them the next day!!!! I got Ndlovou! He's Elder Bawden's old companion!!!!! He's pretty cool so that was good.
Now Conference!!!!!! So I have some favorite talks and just what they are about and stuff like that cuz I don't have a lot of time right now. So I got so far a few talks from Elder Neil L. Anderson about overcoming the world. President Thomas S. Monson spoke of charity. Elder David A. Bednar talked about preaching the gospel. President Thomas S. Monson again talked about the Book of Mormon. Elder Ronald A. Rasband talked about the Holy Ghost. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf talked to us of fighting fear! Chai all of these talks were just amazing and I couldn't be more blessed than to have constant revelation to help all of us learn more of what we can do to become closer to the Savior! I don't have a lot of time right now, but I'm getting back on in a little bit after this so yeah. I'll talk more about them later. We had a lot of amazing moments this week in teaching and I'm so grateful to be a part of this work!!
I love you all and I hope you all are doing amazing!!!! Stay amazing!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
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