So, I'm officially confused with the logins and the times I sent things, but I'm just gonna go for it!!! So Monday after I got done emailing we came back and had to pick Elder Beya and Martin for the visit to Elder Renlund the next day, that was ok.
So Tuesday we left later than we wanted due to the fact that some people don't know how to manage time. So we left and got there later than we wanted, but it was a good thing. We sat down and we listed to Elder Renlund!!!!! Chai it was amazing to have my 3rd apostle on mission!!!! We had a few focused messages that he came to deliver:
1. The Lord and Savior thanks us for our service.
2. I, and every other missionary, are called to the work! No matter where we are, this is where we need to be!
3. President and Sister Simpson are called by revelation to lead and guide the missionaries in the Ghana Accra West Mission.
Chai this was an amazing experience and it was also amazing to have the chance to see my TC and other missionary friends!!!! We went on a tour in the new Ghana Accra Missionary Training Center and it was nice, not a nice as Provo, but good haha!! We left and when we were coming back, I saw a great illustration of faith. I won't share the exact scene; but even through the hardest of times, the Lord is always there to lift us up. No matter what we are going through, Jesus Christ will always help us if we come unto him. We came back to Anyaa and the other guys were just tired.
Wednesday was ok, we only saw a few people cuz Ememem was tired. We left and just saw Better, and she's doing ok. We left and ran into a lady who called us over. She was asking us a lot of questions and it was amazing haha!!!! Her name was Lily so that's cool. We tried to see other people, but that didn't work. We came back and Elder Hall and Doffou went on exchange so Doffou was here.
Thursday was basically the same. We left for Prince and we taught him about the Plan of Salvation. We left and went to Ablekuma and taught a few people there. Miracle was somehow because of the traffic and we then left. We met a man named Michael and he is ok. We taught him, but he was somehow stubborn with the teachings and beliefs. We left and went to James and his sons. Chai they are so annoying with the Great Apostasy! They love contradicting themselves and now knowing what is right!!!! So yea that was the day.
Friday was bad cuz we weren't on time at all. We got up and went out later and only saw a few people at Pentacost Junction. We saw Better and then moved to Gladise. She's a girl in Ingle's compound, she seemed very interested and has a good understanding of the apostasy of the people, but doesn't understand the way the Holy Ghost works. We will try to help her to learn more. We came back and talked to Isaac about temples and the priesthood authority.
Saturday was somehow, this is because of time again. We left and met a member at Olebu. Grandma Florence was super nice to us and I loved it!!!!! We left and traveled all the way to Abasi. We met a lot of cool people along the way and it was a great experience to meet more people. We just went and invited people to church cuz we didn't have time to sit down with them. We came back to our transfer news. . .Hall is going to the Bush, Nnachi is training, Ememem is getting Elder Greaves, and as for me. . .I'm back to back training and white washing in Achimota!!!!!! I am right across from Chantan and it's crazy!!!!! So yeah, that's the news that we got!!!!!
Sunday we went to church and I said bye to everyone, a lot of them were really sad that I was leaving and that was a bummer. It really hurt to leave because a big part of me will always be there, it was hard to say bye. We came home and I started to pack cuz I needed to pick my new son on Monday morning. I was packing and then we went to Bishop Lamptey's house and that was fun. Even though I have been here for about 9 months, Cynthia (their little girl) is still scared of me!!! We came back and we had light off all day so that was fun. I packed a little more and then went to bed.
Monday I wasn't able to email because I woke up early and traveled all the way to the mission home to pick my next son. So I traveled with all my stuff to my new area so I was taking everything with me. I got there and there are 18 trainers there, it was a huge TC coming in!!! I received Elder Memmott!!!!! He's from Nevada and is 18 years old! He is now my new companion in Achimota so that's AMAZING!!!! We traveled with the other missionaries to our new area and that was a pain. We all got there and it was cool. So we talked about the area and got settled, it's crazy to think I've been in that apartment almost a year ago!!!!! All those visits and exchanges haha!!!!
So here I am training and white washing, things are AMAZING on mission!!!!!! Also super bummer because a lot of missionaries are going home that I've been sweet friends with, it's a big bummer to say the least. Hope you all are doing amazing and being safe. Sorry I couldn't email yesterday, but today is now our P-Day so yeah. BE AMAZING!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
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