Chai things here are pretty cool to say the least. I'm whitewashing and at the same time I'm training as well. Elder Memmott is pretty cool to say the least, he's very excited to get out and do the work of the Lord.
So as for this week it has been interesting. Since last week we started on Wednesday for our missionary work we started off well. We went to our district counsel meeting and met more of the missionaries here in Achimota district. We also had the honor of having the Zone Leaders and the APs attend as well. So we had a good meeting with that and it was super cool. We went around the rest of the day meeting people that Bangura and Harrison left for us in Achimota. We met a family named the Yeboah family, ironically we had a family like that in Anyaa, but they were less active haha! So we sat and taught a few of them and they are so cool. Constance, Nancy, Jerry, Julliet, Dorkus and later on in the week we had a boy named Emmanuel join us. These kids are so cool and it makes me really happy to see them. We taught them as a group of 4 and that was a little difficult. We then left and contacted the rest of the day. We met a lady named Alice and she's ok. She was busy when we saw her so we said we would see her later. We left and came back to the chapel to have our PEC meeting and that was cool. We also had some institute go on after so then we finished there. So yeah, that was Wednesday.
Thursday was good. We traveled all the way to Taifa and met a few of the members there. So the ride there was just beyond crazy!!! So yeah. We met a few of them there and tried to contact, but we didn't have the time to see a lot of people there because we had to run back to Dome (the area where the Yeboahs are). We went and saw them and tried to contact a little more around that area and we found a few potential people. Other than that we came home and just got to know more of the place.
This morning we went and played some basketball at the chapel here with the other missionaries in the apartment and it was super cool. We are also having the major plus side of being next to the mall!!!! Elder Memmott is teaching more how to solve a rubix cube so I'm very pleased with myself on how well I'm doing with that haha!!!
Hope you all have had an amazing week and are doing amazing things. I love you all and I can't wait to hear from you all this next week!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
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