Chai I gotta say, being in Anyaa for another transfer is AMAZING! Compared to my last area, I now feel like a missionary again!!!!!
So this week! We just started off pretty well with some lessons on Tuesday. We had a lot of fun running around and trying to work things out with people. It's pretty amazing! Koetting and I were eating lunch and there is a TV in our chop bar where we eat. We thought we were watching some children play futball until we saw that one of the kids had really long hair. . .we paid closer attention and it turns out that we were watching the Little People League haha!!! Chai that was really funny!!!!!
As for Wednesday, we went to our District Counsel Meeting and I saw Lambson!!!! Chai that was amazing to have him in the same district as I am!!! #lotsofexchanges haha!!!! We had some fun meeting with some people later that day.
So really quick, we have a man named Kobby down for his baptismal date. We are going to try to get him baptized on February 26th. He unfortunately didn't come to church this last week, but he came a week before and that was amazing!!!! We are also teaching Ruth. It just got really hard to see her due to the fact that the people in her compound don't want us around. We fortunately got to see her a few times when she goes to pick up a small boy named Eddie. We have have a new investigator named Rita. She is sweet!!!! She knew the church in a different area and she was given to us and now we hope to baptize her. We hope to teach her and stuff like that. She has a little niece who is just the best!!! She was really shy at first to see white people, but then we had the chance to get her to like us haha!!!
As for Thursday to Sunday, it was pretty average haha!!! We had an investigator named Henry come to church this last Sunday! Only downside is that he lives really really really far away from us and it's a pain to see him haha!!!! The place he stays is super sketch cuz it gets dark at night and it's just creepy haha!!!!
I got some new shirts and troy so that I can have more clothes. Unfortunately, the lady that tailored them did them way too tight!!! I feel super small and I hate it!!! Every time I move, it feels like I'm going to just tear my shirt!!!! Guess I'm just too big now a days so haha!!!!
We had the chance to visit with President Simpson on Saturday!!!! Chai having him as Mission President is amazing!!! He really knows his stuff, and give out really good advice!!!!!
Well, I'll try to send pics after this so we'll see how it goes!!!!
Hope you all had an amazing week!!!!!! Love you all!!!!!]
Elder Stockton Smith
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