Chai this week has been crazy!!!!!!
Wednesday was interesting. So we had a lesson with Hanna, another investigator near Akua and she doesn't believe in Sunday worship so it's hard to get her to come to church. We had District Counsel Meeting so that was fun. So now for the funny part haha!!!!! We saw Ruth with a member named Phyllis and they just went overboard with the lesson. . .they started talking about chastity and how great it is. Awkward. . .and so Koetting and I asked what dates were like here, and they said a date is practically where you walk and talk. That's it. Dates in Ghana suck haha!!!! We saw Samuel after and that was cool.
So as for the rest of the days, it was just normal. We saw a few more investigators and tried to contact more people. We he some fun working at the apartment and Elder Koetting thought it was wise to throw a pen at the fan while it was on. . .one of my shirts got ink all over it!!!! But it wasn't a new one, so that's good. We have had quite the week with the people here!!!
So now my funny food story!!!! We went over to the Elders' Quorum President's house to see where he stays. While we were there, his wife gave us rice and stew. If there is one thing I hate, it is bones!!!!! So we sat there and ate, but I just couldn't do it!!!! I look over at Koetting and he is finished, but he couldn't chop any more food. I was looking around and thought to myself, "What am I going to do?!" Then I had a revelation. . .your sweat rag. I stuffed the rice in my sweat rag and just booked it out of the house after that haha!!!!! Mitch or Dad, I don't know if you guys have ever had to do that, but let me tell you, it was sooooooo weird!!!!!
I'm having a guy make some shirts for me near my apartment and they should be done soon. After they are finished, I'll send the pictures home of what it is haha!!!! And now transfer news. . .we are all staying!!!! The best part is that Elder Lambson is coming to my District. . .AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZZZIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNGGGGGG!!
So, that is super cool!!!!!
Hope you all have had an amazing week!!!!!! Love you all, and hope you all are safe!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
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