Tuesday, March 29, 2016

March 21, 2016 Email

Hey everyone!!!!!

So this week has been a little interesting haha!!!  So we have had a pretty crazy week with us just seeing an apostle!!  So now, we are just doing whatever and doing usually the same thing haha!!!  Stilson is losing his mind being in this area, he may just go crazy if he isn't transferred, haha!!!  Also, Paddon and Wallin are the craziest guys you will ever meet!!!!  I love them so much, haha!!!

So, well, I don't know if I said this last week, but they played a major prank on me!!!!  We came home and me and Wallin came home later than usual cuz a lesson went longer than we thought.  So, I walk up to the apartment and I open the gate and door and I look inside, the place is just destroyed!!!  Looks like it was ransacked or something like that.  I walk in and frickin' Paddon jumps out of the kitchen with a cutlass and screams and acts like a crazy guy!!  I book it out of there as fast as I can and well, I find out a few seconds later that it's them playing a prank on us.  Chi,  I was not a nice guy after that haha!!!

So this week has been pretty ordinary to be honest.  Just going around and doing the good work. So, in my apartment it's amazing to be with these guys, to hang and to hear crazy stories!!!  So well, one night, we were just chilling and we had lights off, that where the power goes off and all that.  So we were for some odd reason talking about scary stories and chi!!!  We were scared to go to sleep after that cuz the lights didn't come back on haha!!!

So, we just did was we usually do.  We have a few investigators leaving here soon so that's a bummer.  We have a few baptisms coming up soon and I hope that I'm still here when they happen.  So, transfers are coming up soon and hopefully I'll be able to stay in Buduburam, haha!!!!  So, other than that, that's pretty much it haha!!!  Just chillin' and doing what I can to serve the Lord, haha!!!!

Love you all, be safe!!!!

Elder Stockton Smith

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