Fun Facts:
1. Now I'm in the Bush.
2. We have two areas to look after, which means double the work. Those areas are Odoben and Acikuma.
3. I live in a four man apartment with all Africans. They speak French, and it's hard to talk sometimes.

5. I have 3 fans on me at night so it's cool!
6. We have had low current on electricity for the past few days.
7. I bought a new SD card, but it's too much power for my little cheap camera.
8. I bought a new new SD card that fits my camera, so that's good.
9. I have looked everywhere and I can't find a good pineapple to eat, or a good coconut to eat.
10. I'M IN THE BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, those are just a few of the fun facts for this week haha!!!!!
Hey everyone!!!
Well, this week has been pretty decent for a new area. My new companion, Elder Lokutshu, is from DR Congo. He went to the MTC to learn English and he's doing pretty well. He's been in 3 different mission fields. First in his own country, then in South Africa, and now here. See, he had trouble with his Visa and he couldn't come. He was originally supposed to serve in South Africa, but he got moved here instead.
Now, as far as the new area is going, it's pretty cool. With the small Twi that I learned back in Buduburam, I'm amble to kind of talk to most of the people here haha!!!! We have been pretty busy this week, and it's pretty cool. The only bummer part is that my companion wakes up at like 5 in the morning for a separate personal study. He turns on the light and so that wakes me up and it's just a pain sometimes. Luckily, we have fixed that with me being super super tired haha!!!
We already have a lot of people that we are teaching. My personal favorite is brother Samson. See, he's been coming to church for a bit, but then had to travel. When we saw him, he committed to baptism and he really wants to be a member of the Church. We have plenty of other people that we are teaching. Many of them are committing to baptism on the 20th this month. We are hopefully going to baptize about 4 people. Hopefully things work out haha!!!!
Something I've learned is that we should all be grateful. . .especially for what we have. From the country we live in to the small simple joys of smiling every day. I know that this is where I need to be. True, I wish I was back home with those that I love, but I know that if they do love me, they will wait for me to come back. I know that when I get back, I'm going to hang out with all of you!!!!!!!
Hope everyone had a good week!!!!! And, I really hope to hear from all of you soon!!!!
Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
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