Hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
So just a little about my week. Well, we had a good time working with some of our ward missionaries and it's pretty cool to see all their friends and get to meet all of them. We, fortunately, have had a good time seeing new people. We, unfortunately, have had not as much success with meeting with serious people haha!!!!
We haven't had a lot of luck cuz we have had light off [power outages] a lot lately, and it just messes up our entire schedule. But, hopefully, we can have light more when this new week roles around haha!!!
Se we had our first baptism here in Chantan!!!!!!!! Eunice Darko--she was a referral given to us by the bishop and he has been pestering us to go and see her. We finally got her baptized on Sunday after church, but she hated it haha!!!!! So, some Ghanaian people HATE the water, and she was one of them. Once she got in the font, she just freaked out and wanted to get out. But, luckily, we got her to calm down and get her in the water [baptized] haha!!!!
So, weird story, but here goes haha!!!! So, Lambson and I have cameras and we figured that we would do some funny videos haha, So when light was off last night, we took still frame "light on, light off" videos haha and it was hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [It actually was just weird, I will spare you the awkwardness and not post it here--you're welcome]. Lambson is a crazy guy and me being in the apartment with him just makes me [more] crazy haha!!!! We had a lot of fun doing those haha!!!!
Well, I guess that's it, I can't remember much about this week actually, but I'll try to remember more and send more info!!!! Hope you all had an amazing week and hope you all were safe haha!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
Follow Stockton's adventures as he serves a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Ghana, Africa for two years.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
June 20, 2016 Email
Hey everyone!!!!!!!
We received transfer news on Saturday. Lambson and I are staying in Chantan haha!!!!! So, as for this week, it has been pretty interesting.
We had a baptism coming up, but it turns out that our person needs a special interview. See, Sister Eunice was given to us by the bishop and she has apparently been coming to church for a while. She pays her tithing and everything like that, but she has never been able to meet with the missionaries. We have had the chance to meet with her a few times and teach her. Unfortunately, we haven't had much luck with that. She doesn't live in our area, so it's hard. We have had a few lessons with her, but we discovered she needs a special interview in order to get baptized, so we'll see how it goes.
We have another investigator named Kwamie!!!! He's super cool. We have been seeing him for a little while and he's amazing. He likes to learn from us, but he hasn't been able to come to church yet. He owns a clothes shop and it's pretty sweet. I think I might get some sweet button ups here haha!!!! Other than that it's pretty amazing with him.
We have another brother named Percy!!!!!!!!!!!!! We met him when we first arrived in Chantan, he's pretty cool. He has a lot of friends that he wants us to visit, but unfortunately, on the day we go to see him, he is unavailable and away so we couldn't see anyone. Ironically, on that day we also met a man named Barik. He was drunk and wanted us to teach him so yeah. We came in, and were teaching him about the Word of Wisdom when a random girl came in and sat on his bed. We then figured out that he has Law of Chastity issues, so we need to go back and teach him about that haha!!!!! So, we plan on getting him baptized, but it's just hard for everything to go our way out here haha!!!!
We haven't had a lot happen this week, but we are working hard with our ward missionaries and members to find people to teach, so it's amazing!!!! The area is GOLDEN!!!!! We found legit Mountain Dew, A&W Rootbeer, and a few other sweet shops around where we live, so it's pretty sweet here haha!!!! We have had a lot of fun with the other members of our district, but I swear the sisters are going to drive me crazy!!!!! So, other than that, it's pretty sweet here in Chantan.
Well, for some odd reason, Mom and Dad, I haven't heard from you in a few weeks [one week], and that just sucks. I hope to hear from you soon. Also, I'd like to know how the jobs are going with Mitch and Andy. What are Park and Brigg doing for the summer, and also, I'd love to hear from all of you on how life is going back home haha!!!!! I love you all and I hope to hear from you soon!!!!! Also, another reminder, Mom, can you put some money in my account, I found some sweet African stuff for all of you back home, all I need is the money to get it haha!!!! Also, can I get some feedback on the Rick Riordan books haha!!!!!
Love you all !!!!!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
We received transfer news on Saturday. Lambson and I are staying in Chantan haha!!!!! So, as for this week, it has been pretty interesting.
We had a baptism coming up, but it turns out that our person needs a special interview. See, Sister Eunice was given to us by the bishop and she has apparently been coming to church for a while. She pays her tithing and everything like that, but she has never been able to meet with the missionaries. We have had the chance to meet with her a few times and teach her. Unfortunately, we haven't had much luck with that. She doesn't live in our area, so it's hard. We have had a few lessons with her, but we discovered she needs a special interview in order to get baptized, so we'll see how it goes.
We have another investigator named Kwamie!!!! He's super cool. We have been seeing him for a little while and he's amazing. He likes to learn from us, but he hasn't been able to come to church yet. He owns a clothes shop and it's pretty sweet. I think I might get some sweet button ups here haha!!!! Other than that it's pretty amazing with him.
We have another brother named Percy!!!!!!!!!!!!! We met him when we first arrived in Chantan, he's pretty cool. He has a lot of friends that he wants us to visit, but unfortunately, on the day we go to see him, he is unavailable and away so we couldn't see anyone. Ironically, on that day we also met a man named Barik. He was drunk and wanted us to teach him so yeah. We came in, and were teaching him about the Word of Wisdom when a random girl came in and sat on his bed. We then figured out that he has Law of Chastity issues, so we need to go back and teach him about that haha!!!!! So, we plan on getting him baptized, but it's just hard for everything to go our way out here haha!!!!
We haven't had a lot happen this week, but we are working hard with our ward missionaries and members to find people to teach, so it's amazing!!!! The area is GOLDEN!!!!! We found legit Mountain Dew, A&W Rootbeer, and a few other sweet shops around where we live, so it's pretty sweet here haha!!!! We have had a lot of fun with the other members of our district, but I swear the sisters are going to drive me crazy!!!!! So, other than that, it's pretty sweet here in Chantan.
Well, for some odd reason, Mom and Dad, I haven't heard from you in a few weeks [one week], and that just sucks. I hope to hear from you soon. Also, I'd like to know how the jobs are going with Mitch and Andy. What are Park and Brigg doing for the summer, and also, I'd love to hear from all of you on how life is going back home haha!!!!! I love you all and I hope to hear from you soon!!!!! Also, another reminder, Mom, can you put some money in my account, I found some sweet African stuff for all of you back home, all I need is the money to get it haha!!!! Also, can I get some feedback on the Rick Riordan books haha!!!!!
Love you all !!!!!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
June 14, 2016 Email
Title of email: I'm calling it guys. . . . . RAINY SEASON IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey everyone haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had you all going with that misleading title huh, haha!!!! Well, this week has been pretty boring if you ask me.
So, I'm gonna go in reverse of days here ok, haha!!!! So, Monday we had some tile repairman come to the apartment so we were stuck there all day!!! We aren't allowed to have other people there and us not be there, mainly because there have been cases of robberies and stuff like that. We just chilled at the apartment all day and just cafed [no clue what this means-possibly an internet cafe???] for a while after. It was like 10 over here when we got back home, we only cafed for about an hour or so. Also, Elder Ben and Okereke came over and gave Lambson a haircut, I, for one, am letting my hair grow out for a while and then get it cut. Also, we were able to clean up the apartment for once haha!!!
Sunday, we went to church and saw a few of our investigators there, but not as many as we would like. We started to head home when it just started pouring on us!!!!! We had to book it back to the church in order to get everything in bags so they wouldn't be ruined haha!!!! Also, we were crazy enough to ride back in the rain haha!!!! It just rained all day and it just ruined our schedule haha, so other than that, that was Sunday.
Saturday, well it was just a crazy day haha!!!! I went on two exchanges that day, with Elder Okereke and Elder Miller. See, the district leaders needed to have interviews in other places, while the zone leaders had to come and do interviews for the district leaders companionship. So, I was running around all day haha other than that, it was cool. Okereke and I have become pretty chill with one another, and I really enjoy being around him haha!!!! Elder Miller is from England and he is so amazing!!!!! He plays rugby and does track, he also has a sweet accent that I wish I could get haha!!!!!!
Now, I'm just going to sum up last Tuesday to Friday. So we didn't get out much. The landlady wanted some work done on the apartment, and we needed to stay to make sure that they were able to come; which they never did most days. A lot of the week was also wasted by the rainy season and a lot of people not being around to see us, other than that, that's about it.
We also had a zone conference on Friday. That was pretty sweet, but on the downside, that would be the last time I would see President Snow. He and his wife will be leaving here in a few weeks and then we'll get President Simpson!!!! So hopefully, everything works out for them.
I will try to get you all a few sweet souvenirs for when I come back!!! Also, mom, can you try and get like ALL the Rick Riordan book series you possibly can?! Pacho, I beg!!!! I'd love to hear how all of you are doing, and I'd love to hear how Montana and all the other crazy places back home are doing haha!!! I love you all and don't forget that.
Thanks to all of you, I have stayed on my mission. Numerous times I have wanted to call it and come home, I've just wanted to give up and call President for my ticket home. I know that with all of you back home, I couldn't still be out here. Thank you all for all you've done!!!!!! I love you all and be safe!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
Hey everyone haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had you all going with that misleading title huh, haha!!!! Well, this week has been pretty boring if you ask me.
So, I'm gonna go in reverse of days here ok, haha!!!! So, Monday we had some tile repairman come to the apartment so we were stuck there all day!!! We aren't allowed to have other people there and us not be there, mainly because there have been cases of robberies and stuff like that. We just chilled at the apartment all day and just cafed [no clue what this means-possibly an internet cafe???] for a while after. It was like 10 over here when we got back home, we only cafed for about an hour or so. Also, Elder Ben and Okereke came over and gave Lambson a haircut, I, for one, am letting my hair grow out for a while and then get it cut. Also, we were able to clean up the apartment for once haha!!!
Sunday, we went to church and saw a few of our investigators there, but not as many as we would like. We started to head home when it just started pouring on us!!!!! We had to book it back to the church in order to get everything in bags so they wouldn't be ruined haha!!!! Also, we were crazy enough to ride back in the rain haha!!!! It just rained all day and it just ruined our schedule haha, so other than that, that was Sunday.
Saturday, well it was just a crazy day haha!!!! I went on two exchanges that day, with Elder Okereke and Elder Miller. See, the district leaders needed to have interviews in other places, while the zone leaders had to come and do interviews for the district leaders companionship. So, I was running around all day haha other than that, it was cool. Okereke and I have become pretty chill with one another, and I really enjoy being around him haha!!!! Elder Miller is from England and he is so amazing!!!!! He plays rugby and does track, he also has a sweet accent that I wish I could get haha!!!!!!
Now, I'm just going to sum up last Tuesday to Friday. So we didn't get out much. The landlady wanted some work done on the apartment, and we needed to stay to make sure that they were able to come; which they never did most days. A lot of the week was also wasted by the rainy season and a lot of people not being around to see us, other than that, that's about it.
We also had a zone conference on Friday. That was pretty sweet, but on the downside, that would be the last time I would see President Snow. He and his wife will be leaving here in a few weeks and then we'll get President Simpson!!!! So hopefully, everything works out for them.
I will try to get you all a few sweet souvenirs for when I come back!!! Also, mom, can you try and get like ALL the Rick Riordan book series you possibly can?! Pacho, I beg!!!! I'd love to hear how all of you are doing, and I'd love to hear how Montana and all the other crazy places back home are doing haha!!! I love you all and don't forget that.
Thanks to all of you, I have stayed on my mission. Numerous times I have wanted to call it and come home, I've just wanted to give up and call President for my ticket home. I know that with all of you back home, I couldn't still be out here. Thank you all for all you've done!!!!!! I love you all and be safe!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
The famous Polytank in the background |
Doing laundry |
June 6, 2016 Email
Hey everyone,
It's been a pretty crazy week haha!!!!! So we had a lot of exchanges this week. I went with Elder Ban on Thursday and that was pretty sweet, and on Saturday I went with Elder Okereke!!!! Both of these guys are amazing!!!! They are such hard workers and they know how to have fun haha!!!!!!
Luckily we have been able to make some progress this week with visiting a few members and other things like that. We were able to get our water fixed and now we have water!!!!!!
We have been working pretty hard with some of our investigators and now we have some committing to a baptism date!!!!! And, well, the bishop of our ward wants us to try and baptize some people this weekend, so we'll see how that goes. We met a lot of less actives [members who aren't coming to church for one reason or another] and other members with the bishop yesterday. We have also had a cool chance to meet with some referrals given to us through the ward missionaries. Other than that, things are coming along haha!!!!!
So get this, I was stuck on our Polytank for a few hours haha!!!!!!! So a Polytank is something that holds all the water for the apartment, and Lambson wanted some clean water to wash our clothes with, so he got me to go in the Polytank.
When I got in I was able to get him the water, but when I tried to get back out, that was a little less than smooth haha!!!! I was sweating like crazy cuz of all the heat and humidity trapped in there, it was like when I first arrived in Ghana haha!!!!
So luckily, my companion was able to get me out, cuz if he wasn't able to, then I'd be in there for a long long time haha!!!!!!
Hope you all had an amazing week. Thank you all, I can't express my joy for all of you and how much you give me strength on my mission. Being here and hearing from all of you has made this so much easier. Thank you all, and I love all of you!!!!! Be safe, and don't do anything too crazy ok?!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
It's been a pretty crazy week haha!!!!! So we had a lot of exchanges this week. I went with Elder Ban on Thursday and that was pretty sweet, and on Saturday I went with Elder Okereke!!!! Both of these guys are amazing!!!! They are such hard workers and they know how to have fun haha!!!!!!
Luckily we have been able to make some progress this week with visiting a few members and other things like that. We were able to get our water fixed and now we have water!!!!!!
We have been working pretty hard with some of our investigators and now we have some committing to a baptism date!!!!! And, well, the bishop of our ward wants us to try and baptize some people this weekend, so we'll see how that goes. We met a lot of less actives [members who aren't coming to church for one reason or another] and other members with the bishop yesterday. We have also had a cool chance to meet with some referrals given to us through the ward missionaries. Other than that, things are coming along haha!!!!!
So get this, I was stuck on our Polytank for a few hours haha!!!!!!! So a Polytank is something that holds all the water for the apartment, and Lambson wanted some clean water to wash our clothes with, so he got me to go in the Polytank.
Mom's take: I'm sure the other people in the apartment appreciate this, happy they can't see this picture!!! |
When I got in I was able to get him the water, but when I tried to get back out, that was a little less than smooth haha!!!! I was sweating like crazy cuz of all the heat and humidity trapped in there, it was like when I first arrived in Ghana haha!!!!
So luckily, my companion was able to get me out, cuz if he wasn't able to, then I'd be in there for a long long time haha!!!!!!
Hope you all had an amazing week. Thank you all, I can't express my joy for all of you and how much you give me strength on my mission. Being here and hearing from all of you has made this so much easier. Thank you all, and I love all of you!!!!! Be safe, and don't do anything too crazy ok?!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
May 30, 2016 Email
Well everyone, this week has been odd to day the least.
We had a problem with the water, so we had to turn it off in order to not flood the apartment. We haven't showered in a bit, but fortunately, we had to take Pure Water showers. See, Pure Waters are small bags of water that people drink. So, we just bought tons of them and just used them to shower haha!!!!
We haven't really been outside the apartment, mainly because we were waiting for someone to come and fix our water, but they never came. We were able to go and see a few of our current investigators but we haven't had much to go on this week. We have also had some luck in working with some of the members and seeing where they live.
THERE'S PIZZA HUT IN AFRICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AT LEAST IN OUR AREA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So yeah, that was amazing having that today.
We have had a lot of crazy things go on in the apartment that aren't very good. Luckily we have been working to do better at contacting some referrals. So yea, not a lot has happened this week. WE MADE WAFFLES THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY WERE AMAZING!!!!!!!! So hopefully, we will become better at cooking and stuff like that.
Well, that's pretty much all that I have for this week. Sorry for not having a lot to write about, I'll try to have more to say next week. Hope you all had an amazing week!!!! I love you all!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
We had a problem with the water, so we had to turn it off in order to not flood the apartment. We haven't showered in a bit, but fortunately, we had to take Pure Water showers. See, Pure Waters are small bags of water that people drink. So, we just bought tons of them and just used them to shower haha!!!!
We haven't really been outside the apartment, mainly because we were waiting for someone to come and fix our water, but they never came. We were able to go and see a few of our current investigators but we haven't had much to go on this week. We have also had some luck in working with some of the members and seeing where they live.
THERE'S PIZZA HUT IN AFRICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AT LEAST IN OUR AREA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So yeah, that was amazing having that today.
We have had a lot of crazy things go on in the apartment that aren't very good. Luckily we have been working to do better at contacting some referrals. So yea, not a lot has happened this week. WE MADE WAFFLES THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY WERE AMAZING!!!!!!!! So hopefully, we will become better at cooking and stuff like that.
Well, that's pretty much all that I have for this week. Sorry for not having a lot to write about, I'll try to have more to say next week. Hope you all had an amazing week!!!! I love you all!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
May 23, 2016 Email
Well, that's all folks haha!!!
Well, this week has been pretty interesting. On Tuesday, I went on exchange with one of the zone leaders, Elder Tohori. He's pretty sweet, and the apartment they have is pretty dope haha!!!! I was with him for about 24 hours so that's pretty sweet, but on the downside, my legs hurt from all the crazy biking that guy does haha!!!!
So, we ironically have sisters [female missionaries], but they aren't very nice. Sister Anena kind of slapped me with jerky, so that wasn't nice. We've also been exploring our area more and it turns out that we have literally everything in our area, or at least we have some pretty dope stuff. We, unfortunately, have been lost on many occasions and have had to retrace our steps haha!!!!
Well, not a lot has been going on this week, I was unfortunately sick on Thursday, and hopefully it isn't malaria. We'll see sooner or later. Also, we have been trying our best to meet with the ward missionaries. They haven't exactly been very serious. They enjoy just chilling out and not doing a lot of missionary work. We have fortunately been able to meet some members and see where they stay so that's pretty sweet. We haven't had a lot of success with baptism or anything like that mainly because we are still getting used to the area. The members we've met so far are pretty amazing and so kind haha!!! We have also met a few referrals who love seeing the missionaries. Some of those referrals are, in fact, some of the return missionaries in the ward.
Well, it's been pretty amazing here, and we found a shop that sells some American stuff!!! Life Gatorade, Snickers, Reece's, and other stuff haha!!!!
But yeah, now we're just taking it easy and enjoying at our apartment. It's been raining quite a bit so I guess we are now getting into rainy season!!!! So, we'll see how this goes haha!!!! Hope you all are enjoying back home, and remember I love you all and hope you're all safe. Be AMAZING!!!!!!!!
But yeah, now we're just taking it easy and enjoying at our apartment. It's been raining quite a bit so I guess we are now getting into rainy season!!!! So, we'll see how this goes haha!!!! Hope you all are enjoying back home, and remember I love you all and hope you're all safe. Be AMAZING!!!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
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Chantan, Ghana |
May 16, 2016 Email
Hey everyone!!!!!!
Now you are not going to believe this!!!! So, I'm now in Chantan with my new companion, but instead of Elder Ntumba like I thought, I am now with my Missionary Training Center companion, ELDER LAMBSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is freakin' amazing!!!! It's been forever since I've seen this kid, and it's freakin amazing to be his companion again!!!!! I stayed in Buduburam and few more days because Wallin's companion got malaria and had to stay. He'll travel when he feels better, so now Wallin's just with Goodrich and Chimburu haha!!!!!!
So, now that me and Lambson are here in Chantan (and we're whitewashing [two missionaries brand new to an area, trying to get to know the "lay of the land"], by the way haha) we have been working hard to try and find members and other people who would like to hear our message. We have had some success with meeting a few members and seeing where they live. We had church yesterday and we now have some ward missionaries [members of the congregation that help the full-time missionaries] to help us out. So, we'll be in touch with them over the next few weeks haha!!!! We live in a two man apartment in a pretty sweet compound! The landlord, I can't remember her name, but she is really cool so that's a plus. The only downside to the new area, is that it's deep city!!! There are cars everywhere, almost dying like every 4 meters that I'm biking haha!!! Also, some of the trails we take really hurt my bum when we go on them haha!!! Other than that it's pretty sweet!!!!!
Some of the members that we've met so far are amazing!!!! Brother Moon and Sister Comfort were some of the first members we've met. They are so nice and love to help the missionaries in any way possible!!! They were converted by some missionaries down in South Africa!!!! And there's another member who is actually a returned missionary. Hanna just came back from serving in Nigeria!!!!! So, she's willing to help us out, and she lives super close too, so we can hopefully have her help in some lessons haha!!!!!!
Other than that, everyone that we've met here is pretty amazing!!!! A lot of people are nice, willing to hear our message, but not a lot of them are serious. NOT AT ALL!!!!!!!!! That was my thing back in Buduburam, so we'll see what Chantan gives me haha!!!!!!!
Hope you all are doing amazing back home, and I'd love to hear how everyone's weeks are going, cuz mine are just packed!!!!! Mom, I hope you got in contact with Wallin's mom to see how to send things over here. Also, I hope that everything in school is enjoyable haha!!!! With everything going on like school coming to a close, track season getting over, and now just getting ready for the summer, I want to hear what's going on back in the good ol' US of A!!!!! haha!!!!! Hope you are all being safe, and hope you all are being amazing!!!!!!! Love you all!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
Here are the final photos from Buduburam. . .
Now you are not going to believe this!!!! So, I'm now in Chantan with my new companion, but instead of Elder Ntumba like I thought, I am now with my Missionary Training Center companion, ELDER LAMBSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is freakin' amazing!!!! It's been forever since I've seen this kid, and it's freakin amazing to be his companion again!!!!! I stayed in Buduburam and few more days because Wallin's companion got malaria and had to stay. He'll travel when he feels better, so now Wallin's just with Goodrich and Chimburu haha!!!!!!
So, now that me and Lambson are here in Chantan (and we're whitewashing [two missionaries brand new to an area, trying to get to know the "lay of the land"], by the way haha) we have been working hard to try and find members and other people who would like to hear our message. We have had some success with meeting a few members and seeing where they live. We had church yesterday and we now have some ward missionaries [members of the congregation that help the full-time missionaries] to help us out. So, we'll be in touch with them over the next few weeks haha!!!! We live in a two man apartment in a pretty sweet compound! The landlord, I can't remember her name, but she is really cool so that's a plus. The only downside to the new area, is that it's deep city!!! There are cars everywhere, almost dying like every 4 meters that I'm biking haha!!! Also, some of the trails we take really hurt my bum when we go on them haha!!! Other than that it's pretty sweet!!!!!
Some of the members that we've met so far are amazing!!!! Brother Moon and Sister Comfort were some of the first members we've met. They are so nice and love to help the missionaries in any way possible!!! They were converted by some missionaries down in South Africa!!!! And there's another member who is actually a returned missionary. Hanna just came back from serving in Nigeria!!!!! So, she's willing to help us out, and she lives super close too, so we can hopefully have her help in some lessons haha!!!!!!
Other than that, everyone that we've met here is pretty amazing!!!! A lot of people are nice, willing to hear our message, but not a lot of them are serious. NOT AT ALL!!!!!!!!! That was my thing back in Buduburam, so we'll see what Chantan gives me haha!!!!!!!
Hope you all are doing amazing back home, and I'd love to hear how everyone's weeks are going, cuz mine are just packed!!!!! Mom, I hope you got in contact with Wallin's mom to see how to send things over here. Also, I hope that everything in school is enjoyable haha!!!! With everything going on like school coming to a close, track season getting over, and now just getting ready for the summer, I want to hear what's going on back in the good ol' US of A!!!!! haha!!!!! Hope you are all being safe, and hope you all are being amazing!!!!!!! Love you all!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
Here are the final photos from Buduburam. . .
Monday, June 27, 2016
May 9, 2016 Email (Also Stockton's Birthday)
Hey everyone!!!
It was AMAZING to skype with a few of you last night!!!! I loved to hear from you and how you all enjoyed hanging out with each other!!!! And mom, I do miss your cooking, but your food is gonna have to be spicy when I get back, cuz by the time I'm done here in Africa, I'll have no taste buds left for sweet foods haha!!!!!
Well yeah, today I got a hair cut, and well Paddon did a terrible job this time haha!!! So, I'll wait till it get's long again to send you all pics of me haha!!! You'll get pics of my area, but not of me haha!!!!!
[Stockton told us yesterday that he would be transferred to Chantan] So, I hear that Elder Ntumba is a sweet guy so I think I'll enjoy this transfer haha!!! I just need to worry about getting there and not getting lost along the way haha. So, some other elders here told me that they served in Chantan before me, they say it's a sweet area! A lot of cool people, the ward (congregation) is great, and the teaching is amazing haha!!!!!
So now, on this wonderful birthday, I just haven't done much haha!!! I woke up, got a hair cut, went to the mall and got a pizza, and now I'm emailing haha!!!!! Not much that I planned out haha. But, I got some amazing Ghanaian ties for a few people back home, so that's cool!!!!!
Now for some odd reason, the pictures I took aren't working. Like they aren't coming up. The images aren't showing so I'll see what I can do. I don't know what's up, but I'll ask around.
[pause while he fiddles around with it]
Oh, never mind, I figured it out hahaha!!! So, I'll send some pics here soon. Just of few of them are of me saying goodbye to some people so yeah. They are amazing and I'm gonna miss them. But, I know I'll see them again someday!!!!
Well, this week has been a drag. Just waiting for transfer news and working hard with members. The elders played a prank on me and said I was going to the Bush!!!! Like deep deep Bush, Where all they do is farm and eat Ghanaian food. Luckily, Wallin told me it was a prank so I was able to relax a little bit. So now I'm going to Chantan to be with Elder Ntumba in a two man apartment. We'll see how it is!!!!
Love you all!!!!! Thanks for everything and it was amazing to skype you yesterday!!!!! Be Safe!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
It was AMAZING to skype with a few of you last night!!!! I loved to hear from you and how you all enjoyed hanging out with each other!!!! And mom, I do miss your cooking, but your food is gonna have to be spicy when I get back, cuz by the time I'm done here in Africa, I'll have no taste buds left for sweet foods haha!!!!!
Well yeah, today I got a hair cut, and well Paddon did a terrible job this time haha!!! So, I'll wait till it get's long again to send you all pics of me haha!!! You'll get pics of my area, but not of me haha!!!!!
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Ohhhh, mom found this photo on Elder Wallin's facebook page, hahahahahaha!!!! |
So now, on this wonderful birthday, I just haven't done much haha!!! I woke up, got a hair cut, went to the mall and got a pizza, and now I'm emailing haha!!!!! Not much that I planned out haha. But, I got some amazing Ghanaian ties for a few people back home, so that's cool!!!!!
Now for some odd reason, the pictures I took aren't working. Like they aren't coming up. The images aren't showing so I'll see what I can do. I don't know what's up, but I'll ask around.
[pause while he fiddles around with it]
Oh, never mind, I figured it out hahaha!!! So, I'll send some pics here soon. Just of few of them are of me saying goodbye to some people so yeah. They are amazing and I'm gonna miss them. But, I know I'll see them again someday!!!!
Well, this week has been a drag. Just waiting for transfer news and working hard with members. The elders played a prank on me and said I was going to the Bush!!!! Like deep deep Bush, Where all they do is farm and eat Ghanaian food. Luckily, Wallin told me it was a prank so I was able to relax a little bit. So now I'm going to Chantan to be with Elder Ntumba in a two man apartment. We'll see how it is!!!!
Love you all!!!!! Thanks for everything and it was amazing to skype you yesterday!!!!! Be Safe!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
Skyping with Stockton - Mother's Day 2016
We only get to see Stockton twice a year via Skype. On Mother's Day and Christmas. Here is the fun event for Mother's Day 2016.
May 2, 2016 Email
Hey everyone!!!!!!!
Hahahaha well, I can tell you all that this day is amazing!!!!! Hope you all are having an amazing day too!! So, here the week, it's been pretty crazy!!! I was able to get some pics, but they aren't really of my area, just of the crazy elders in the apartment haha!!!!! I really enjoy having them around, I'm gonna miss them when I'm transferred haha!!!!
I'm trying to get everything set for either Skyping or facetime on Sunday. I'll get transfer news on Saturday and I might be able to email you all and give you details on the Skype situation. Mom, I would love for you to get on facebook and let my friends know they are invited to the Skype on Mother's Day haha!!!!! Not to be a pain, but I love seeing old faces when I'm stuck all the way in Africa haha!!!!
We have been doing well here in Buduburam. We baptized Grace, finally!!!!!!! But Linda, is unfortunately, a pain to get in the water!!! She had postponed her baptism like. . .100 times!!!!! It's driving me insane!!!!! So hopefully we can get her baptized before I leave haha!!! We have been working with a lot of people but have had little success. A lot of them are pretty persistent to not get in the water, but hopefully they will change their minds soon haha!!!!!
So, other than that, that's it. We had some sweet chicken and stew last night at the other guys' apartment haha!!! We went over and just chopped some chicken Elder Dy bought. We had a pretty good time chillin' and hangin' with all the other missionaries haha!!!!!
Not gonna lie, today is truly amazing!!!! I couldn't be more happy today than any other day!!! Thank you so much for everything!!!!!! I know it's just a small time, but we keep going forward in amazement!!!!!!! I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be Safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see you all on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
Hahahaha well, I can tell you all that this day is amazing!!!!! Hope you all are having an amazing day too!! So, here the week, it's been pretty crazy!!! I was able to get some pics, but they aren't really of my area, just of the crazy elders in the apartment haha!!!!! I really enjoy having them around, I'm gonna miss them when I'm transferred haha!!!!
I'm trying to get everything set for either Skyping or facetime on Sunday. I'll get transfer news on Saturday and I might be able to email you all and give you details on the Skype situation. Mom, I would love for you to get on facebook and let my friends know they are invited to the Skype on Mother's Day haha!!!!! Not to be a pain, but I love seeing old faces when I'm stuck all the way in Africa haha!!!!
We have been doing well here in Buduburam. We baptized Grace, finally!!!!!!! But Linda, is unfortunately, a pain to get in the water!!! She had postponed her baptism like. . .100 times!!!!! It's driving me insane!!!!! So hopefully we can get her baptized before I leave haha!!! We have been working with a lot of people but have had little success. A lot of them are pretty persistent to not get in the water, but hopefully they will change their minds soon haha!!!!!
So, other than that, that's it. We had some sweet chicken and stew last night at the other guys' apartment haha!!! We went over and just chopped some chicken Elder Dy bought. We had a pretty good time chillin' and hangin' with all the other missionaries haha!!!!!
Not gonna lie, today is truly amazing!!!! I couldn't be more happy today than any other day!!! Thank you so much for everything!!!!!! I know it's just a small time, but we keep going forward in amazement!!!!!!! I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be Safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see you all on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
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I finally baptized Grace!!! |
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The sweet chicken |
April 25, 2016 Email
Hey Everyone!!!!!!!
So, on the plus side, I got a new camera today!!!! So, now you can expect to see some pics from me.!!!!
Well, this week has been by the by the same, haha!!!!! It's been just boring going around and seeing some investigators. The baptisms didn't go through mainly because we had a problem with getting the water there on time. We hope to baptize them on Saturday this week. We have had quite the time with going around and going on exchanges. It's a real bummer because I am most likely going to a new area this next transfer. Transfers are on the 10th of May. So, I'll Skype Sunday and leave on Tuesday. I still don't know the time that I'll Skype, but I'll try to let you all know. I haven't been the best on keeping up with everyone, but I would love to hear from all of you!!!!
So, it's pretty amazing at Sirco!!!!! You can literally get anything there!!!! Except guns, but I haven't really looked for them haha!!!!! So there were tons of things I could have gotten, but just for this trip I focused on getting a camera. So who knows, I might be able to get something else cool!!!! Other than that, I didn't do anything else too crazy haha!!!
So Mitch, keep yourself busy haha!!!! Park, Briggs, keep doing amazing in track. I'd love to hear how school's going too haha!!! Everyone, keep being amazing, and don't forget, I'm always around just to be around!!!!!!
Love you all!!!!! Be safe!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
Banku is a Ghanaian dish which is cooked by a proportionate mixture of fermented corn and cassava dough in hot water into a smooth whitish consistent past. Served with soup, stew or a pepper sauce with fish. It is mostly preferred by the people of the Southern Regions of Ghana, particularly the Ga tribe but also eaten across the other regions in Ghana. Banku is found throughout Ghana, and is one of the staple foods enjoyed by all tribes in the country.
So, on the plus side, I got a new camera today!!!! So, now you can expect to see some pics from me.!!!!
Well, this week has been by the by the same, haha!!!!! It's been just boring going around and seeing some investigators. The baptisms didn't go through mainly because we had a problem with getting the water there on time. We hope to baptize them on Saturday this week. We have had quite the time with going around and going on exchanges. It's a real bummer because I am most likely going to a new area this next transfer. Transfers are on the 10th of May. So, I'll Skype Sunday and leave on Tuesday. I still don't know the time that I'll Skype, but I'll try to let you all know. I haven't been the best on keeping up with everyone, but I would love to hear from all of you!!!!
So, it's pretty amazing at Sirco!!!!! You can literally get anything there!!!! Except guns, but I haven't really looked for them haha!!!!! So there were tons of things I could have gotten, but just for this trip I focused on getting a camera. So who knows, I might be able to get something else cool!!!! Other than that, I didn't do anything else too crazy haha!!!
So Mitch, keep yourself busy haha!!!! Park, Briggs, keep doing amazing in track. I'd love to hear how school's going too haha!!! Everyone, keep being amazing, and don't forget, I'm always around just to be around!!!!!!
Love you all!!!!! Be safe!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
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Enjoying banku |
April 18, 2016 Email
Hahaha!!!! Hey everyone!!!!!
CHI!!!!!!!!! Already 5 months on mission!!!!! Just one more month and I'll be a quarter of the way there!!!!!!
Well everyone, it has been a pretty interesting week to say the least haha!!! So this week, we have been pretty busy running around and trying to find things to do. We have been traveling to Nkwantanan for a while and we have had some success up there. A lot of cool investigators and man, I love some of the kids that some of our investigators have haha!!!! So, now we are planning on going to Sirco!!! From what I hear, you can get literally anything there!!!! From a pen and pencil to a car or a few plane tickets if you know where to look haha!!!!! So, hopefully, I'll be able to find a camera there for a good bargaining price. So yeah, that's amazing!!!!!
So we have a few baptisms coming up soon, hopefully those will go through. Unfortunately, people are having a problem being serious here haha!!!! So, now me and the guys in the apartment are now going to play basketball with some locals we met on Saturday. We plan to go play on Wednesdays and Saturdays. That will not only get us in shape, but we will also be able to meet new people, and teach a little bit haha!!!!
Also, these guys (missionaries) are not serious. They've been playing so many tricks on me, I'm losing my mind !!! But luckily, I'm still sane haha!!! Like they have a joy of making it sound like President Snow (mission president) is trying to contact me, so yeah, I freak out a little when they do that haha!!!!
So now I'm just trying to keep strong in my area. I'll probably be moved this next transfer. Considering the fact that I've been out here for almost 5 months by the time I get transferred. Hopefully not, but I really can't wait to know.
Well, it's been pretty crazy here, but holdin' in there haha!!! And, I might be able to bleach my hair soon, but I don't know if I'll have time so we'll see!!!!!!
Mitch, take it easy, don't do anything too crazy. Park and Brigg don't break all of my stuff while I'm gone. Mom, don't steal all my books, and be sure to get me the new ones I told you about. Everyone else. . .I LOVE YOU ALLLLL and don't do anything too crazy haha!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
CHI!!!!!!!!! Already 5 months on mission!!!!! Just one more month and I'll be a quarter of the way there!!!!!!
Well everyone, it has been a pretty interesting week to say the least haha!!! So this week, we have been pretty busy running around and trying to find things to do. We have been traveling to Nkwantanan for a while and we have had some success up there. A lot of cool investigators and man, I love some of the kids that some of our investigators have haha!!!! So, now we are planning on going to Sirco!!! From what I hear, you can get literally anything there!!!! From a pen and pencil to a car or a few plane tickets if you know where to look haha!!!!! So, hopefully, I'll be able to find a camera there for a good bargaining price. So yeah, that's amazing!!!!!
So we have a few baptisms coming up soon, hopefully those will go through. Unfortunately, people are having a problem being serious here haha!!!! So, now me and the guys in the apartment are now going to play basketball with some locals we met on Saturday. We plan to go play on Wednesdays and Saturdays. That will not only get us in shape, but we will also be able to meet new people, and teach a little bit haha!!!!
Also, these guys (missionaries) are not serious. They've been playing so many tricks on me, I'm losing my mind !!! But luckily, I'm still sane haha!!! Like they have a joy of making it sound like President Snow (mission president) is trying to contact me, so yeah, I freak out a little when they do that haha!!!!
So now I'm just trying to keep strong in my area. I'll probably be moved this next transfer. Considering the fact that I've been out here for almost 5 months by the time I get transferred. Hopefully not, but I really can't wait to know.
Well, it's been pretty crazy here, but holdin' in there haha!!! And, I might be able to bleach my hair soon, but I don't know if I'll have time so we'll see!!!!!!
Mitch, take it easy, don't do anything too crazy. Park and Brigg don't break all of my stuff while I'm gone. Mom, don't steal all my books, and be sure to get me the new ones I told you about. Everyone else. . .I LOVE YOU ALLLLL and don't do anything too crazy haha!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
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Playing ball with these guys. |
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Elder Wallin inside a typical African school. |
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School from the outside. |
April 11, 2016 Email
Hey everyone!!!!!
So this week has been pretty cool. We have been enjoying aaaaaaahhhhhhhh at the apartment and these guys are so crazy!!!!! We have a lot of fun at the apartment, and it's pretty sweet. So Paddon and Goodrich haven't been feeling too good, so hopefully they don't have Malaria. Otherwise, this is going to be a long transfer.
We haven't had much luck with some of our investigators. Some are pretty busy and some live too far away for us to see them. What I would give to have a car, but with this traffic, I'll take biking any day haha!!!! We have some baptisms coming up here soon, and hopefully nothing will get in the way of them getting dunked!!!!!! We have Brother Kingsley doing very well, but on the other hand, it isn't looking so well for some of our other investigators. So yeah, we're just waiting for things to fall into place over here.
It's been getting hotter here, mainly cuz the rain comes and it's amazing!!!!!!! Me and the guys sometimes go outside and dink around for a while. I enjoy going to the park near our place to just chill there. Play some soccer in the rain haha!!! We also enjoy playing card games in the apartment. Other than that, not much to do.
So well, mom, I need to set up a Skype account for me and send me the info for Mother's Day. Speaking of which I would love for my friends to come over so I can say "hi" and see how things are going!!!! So, let me know ok?
So that's it I guess haha!!!!!! Love you all, be safe!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
So this week has been pretty cool. We have been enjoying aaaaaaahhhhhhhh at the apartment and these guys are so crazy!!!!! We have a lot of fun at the apartment, and it's pretty sweet. So Paddon and Goodrich haven't been feeling too good, so hopefully they don't have Malaria. Otherwise, this is going to be a long transfer.
We haven't had much luck with some of our investigators. Some are pretty busy and some live too far away for us to see them. What I would give to have a car, but with this traffic, I'll take biking any day haha!!!! We have some baptisms coming up here soon, and hopefully nothing will get in the way of them getting dunked!!!!!! We have Brother Kingsley doing very well, but on the other hand, it isn't looking so well for some of our other investigators. So yeah, we're just waiting for things to fall into place over here.
It's been getting hotter here, mainly cuz the rain comes and it's amazing!!!!!!! Me and the guys sometimes go outside and dink around for a while. I enjoy going to the park near our place to just chill there. Play some soccer in the rain haha!!! We also enjoy playing card games in the apartment. Other than that, not much to do.
So well, mom, I need to set up a Skype account for me and send me the info for Mother's Day. Speaking of which I would love for my friends to come over so I can say "hi" and see how things are going!!!! So, let me know ok?
So that's it I guess haha!!!!!! Love you all, be safe!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
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We baptized three amazing kids!! |
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Enjoying fufu |
African fufu: A staple food with deep roots in Ghana's history. Often made with cassava flour. Cassava is a woody root native to South America. Portuguese traders introduced the cassava to Africa from Brazil in the 16th century. In Ghana, before cassava was introduced, yam was the fufu's main ingredient, or, in some situations, plantains or cocoyams. The cassava is boiled and then pounded into a dough-like consistency. It is eaten with the fingers with a small bowl of accompanying soup or sauce.
April 4, 2016 Email
Hey everyone!!!!!
So this week has been pretty crazy with Elder Goodrich here haha!!!!! So this week we have been out of the groove, just chillin' and having tons of fun!!!! So this week we'll try to do better on seeing people.
So it rained pretty hard a few nights ago and we were being crazy and went out to play some soccer haha!!!! It rained so hard that we had to go back in, it felt like hail was hitting us!!!! We also play some Bang and Monopoly Deal every one in a while.
So, luckily we were able to see the first session of General Conference live. We went to the Kasua Stake in order to see it. Unfortunately, we weren't able to see the second session cuz it would be like 8 p.m. We came home and we just chilled out for most of the night. We have this contest involving points, so whoever wins, gets a free pizza haha!!! Other than that, it's just been a boring week. Just going around and seeing people who were close.
Take it easy everyone, and don't stop being amazing!!!!!!! Love you all!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
So this week has been pretty crazy with Elder Goodrich here haha!!!!! So this week we have been out of the groove, just chillin' and having tons of fun!!!! So this week we'll try to do better on seeing people.
So it rained pretty hard a few nights ago and we were being crazy and went out to play some soccer haha!!!! It rained so hard that we had to go back in, it felt like hail was hitting us!!!! We also play some Bang and Monopoly Deal every one in a while.
So, luckily we were able to see the first session of General Conference live. We went to the Kasua Stake in order to see it. Unfortunately, we weren't able to see the second session cuz it would be like 8 p.m. We came home and we just chilled out for most of the night. We have this contest involving points, so whoever wins, gets a free pizza haha!!! Other than that, it's just been a boring week. Just going around and seeing people who were close.
Take it easy everyone, and don't stop being amazing!!!!!!! Love you all!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
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Elder Wallin playing Spar (an African card game) |
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Enjoying the African shade. |
At the beach with some members after helping them weed their farm using a cutlass. |
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
March 28, 2016 Email
Hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!
Well, not much to report over here. We had an interesting Easter Sunday though. We went over to the other missionaries apartment and chilled there. Elder Obasi is leaving here in a few days. His mission is over and he is heading home, haha!!!!! Also, Elder Stilson is leaving here, and he's going to another area, he's been here in Buduburam for about 6 months!!!!! It's crazy!!!!!! Me, Wallin, and Paddon are staying here for this next transfer; Elder Goodrich is coming to replace Stilson. Goodrich, Wallin and Paddon are all TCs and it's going to be a frickin' fun transfer!!!!!!!!
So, the problem with my camera. I'm going to try and find somewhere to fix my camera. The lens won't retract and I can't take any pictures. If I can't find anywhere to fix it, I will go and buy another one when we go and pull sub (money to live on) from the mall. I'll try to find another one on the streets. That's a huge plus here, I can literally walk around and find anything I want if I know where to go.
So, this week has been pretty much a dead week, haha!!!! We've had trouble going out to our far areas this week mainly because we have been on transfers and we've had trouble having contact with any of our investigators out there. A major plus side though is that we have had a few baptisms this last Saturday. We baptized some kids: Richard, Jennifer and Lizzy!!!!! We've already baptized Benjamin and it's been pretty amazing to see them baptized now!!!!!
We had a FM at Grace's house and CHI!!!!!! She's really nice, but it's really weird. See, Wallin has been trying to get her to like him as a joke, and well, it's just turned toward me and it's just weird, haha!!!!! So yeah, that happened. We've been playing Skum and Bang a lot these past few nights mainly because we have a bet that we get a large pizza from the mall and we can also get a 30 Cedi meal at the mall as well!!!!! I'm trying to win, but when it comes to Skum, I suck, but when it comes to Bang, I'm a champ!!!! haha!!!!!
So, other than that, it's just been pretty normal here. A few of our investigators are reluctant to be dunked, but we are having a lot of success still, haha!!!!! Be sure not to do anything crazy while I'm gone alright everyone!!!!! I love you all!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
Well, not much to report over here. We had an interesting Easter Sunday though. We went over to the other missionaries apartment and chilled there. Elder Obasi is leaving here in a few days. His mission is over and he is heading home, haha!!!!! Also, Elder Stilson is leaving here, and he's going to another area, he's been here in Buduburam for about 6 months!!!!! It's crazy!!!!!! Me, Wallin, and Paddon are staying here for this next transfer; Elder Goodrich is coming to replace Stilson. Goodrich, Wallin and Paddon are all TCs and it's going to be a frickin' fun transfer!!!!!!!!
So, the problem with my camera. I'm going to try and find somewhere to fix my camera. The lens won't retract and I can't take any pictures. If I can't find anywhere to fix it, I will go and buy another one when we go and pull sub (money to live on) from the mall. I'll try to find another one on the streets. That's a huge plus here, I can literally walk around and find anything I want if I know where to go.
So, this week has been pretty much a dead week, haha!!!! We've had trouble going out to our far areas this week mainly because we have been on transfers and we've had trouble having contact with any of our investigators out there. A major plus side though is that we have had a few baptisms this last Saturday. We baptized some kids: Richard, Jennifer and Lizzy!!!!! We've already baptized Benjamin and it's been pretty amazing to see them baptized now!!!!!
We had a FM at Grace's house and CHI!!!!!! She's really nice, but it's really weird. See, Wallin has been trying to get her to like him as a joke, and well, it's just turned toward me and it's just weird, haha!!!!! So yeah, that happened. We've been playing Skum and Bang a lot these past few nights mainly because we have a bet that we get a large pizza from the mall and we can also get a 30 Cedi meal at the mall as well!!!!! I'm trying to win, but when it comes to Skum, I suck, but when it comes to Bang, I'm a champ!!!! haha!!!!!
So, other than that, it's just been pretty normal here. A few of our investigators are reluctant to be dunked, but we are having a lot of success still, haha!!!!! Be sure not to do anything crazy while I'm gone alright everyone!!!!! I love you all!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
March 21, 2016 Email
Hey everyone!!!!!
So this week has been a little interesting haha!!! So we have had a pretty crazy week with us just seeing an apostle!! So now, we are just doing whatever and doing usually the same thing haha!!! Stilson is losing his mind being in this area, he may just go crazy if he isn't transferred, haha!!! Also, Paddon and Wallin are the craziest guys you will ever meet!!!! I love them so much, haha!!!
So, well, I don't know if I said this last week, but they played a major prank on me!!!! We came home and me and Wallin came home later than usual cuz a lesson went longer than we thought. So, I walk up to the apartment and I open the gate and door and I look inside, the place is just destroyed!!! Looks like it was ransacked or something like that. I walk in and frickin' Paddon jumps out of the kitchen with a cutlass and screams and acts like a crazy guy!! I book it out of there as fast as I can and well, I find out a few seconds later that it's them playing a prank on us. Chi, I was not a nice guy after that haha!!!
So this week has been pretty ordinary to be honest. Just going around and doing the good work. So, in my apartment it's amazing to be with these guys, to hang and to hear crazy stories!!! So well, one night, we were just chilling and we had lights off, that where the power goes off and all that. So we were for some odd reason talking about scary stories and chi!!! We were scared to go to sleep after that cuz the lights didn't come back on haha!!!
So, we just did was we usually do. We have a few investigators leaving here soon so that's a bummer. We have a few baptisms coming up soon and I hope that I'm still here when they happen. So, transfers are coming up soon and hopefully I'll be able to stay in Buduburam, haha!!!! So, other than that, that's pretty much it haha!!! Just chillin' and doing what I can to serve the Lord, haha!!!!
Love you all, be safe!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
So this week has been a little interesting haha!!! So we have had a pretty crazy week with us just seeing an apostle!! So now, we are just doing whatever and doing usually the same thing haha!!! Stilson is losing his mind being in this area, he may just go crazy if he isn't transferred, haha!!! Also, Paddon and Wallin are the craziest guys you will ever meet!!!! I love them so much, haha!!!
So, well, I don't know if I said this last week, but they played a major prank on me!!!! We came home and me and Wallin came home later than usual cuz a lesson went longer than we thought. So, I walk up to the apartment and I open the gate and door and I look inside, the place is just destroyed!!! Looks like it was ransacked or something like that. I walk in and frickin' Paddon jumps out of the kitchen with a cutlass and screams and acts like a crazy guy!! I book it out of there as fast as I can and well, I find out a few seconds later that it's them playing a prank on us. Chi, I was not a nice guy after that haha!!!
So this week has been pretty ordinary to be honest. Just going around and doing the good work. So, in my apartment it's amazing to be with these guys, to hang and to hear crazy stories!!! So well, one night, we were just chilling and we had lights off, that where the power goes off and all that. So we were for some odd reason talking about scary stories and chi!!! We were scared to go to sleep after that cuz the lights didn't come back on haha!!!
So, we just did was we usually do. We have a few investigators leaving here soon so that's a bummer. We have a few baptisms coming up soon and I hope that I'm still here when they happen. So, transfers are coming up soon and hopefully I'll be able to stay in Buduburam, haha!!!! So, other than that, that's pretty much it haha!!! Just chillin' and doing what I can to serve the Lord, haha!!!!
Love you all, be safe!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
Monday, March 28, 2016
March 14, 2016 Email
So, this week has been interesting. . .so my camera broke and well, it was broken by a small boy named Benjamin, so you might not see any pics from me for a while (NOTE: we haven't received any pics from Stockton, I have pilfered from his companions websites). And well, I only have a few pics of my area, haha!!!!!
So today, we went to see Elder Rasband!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was AMAZING!!!!!! I'm surprised I wasn't sent home, haha!!!! Also, I saw a few of my MTC bros there!!!! And chi!!!! I felt the spirit there.
I felt like I was really on a mission and that I was really making a difference in people's lives over here. . .Also, he gave us a message from the prophet!!! He said. . ."Tell those people in Africa that I love them, and that I thank them for their service." I feel like I'm really making a difference now!!! Knowing that I'm being recognized for my efforts!!!!
So, other than that amazing day, it's been decent here. The rainy season is hitting us hard and the heat is crazy!!!! So, now I'm just trying to survive, haha!!! So, we have a few baptisms coming up this week, and hopefully we can visit with the candidates and make sure they don't have any problems, so yeah!! And, well, the spirit will guide us on what we need to do next.,
So, hopefully I'll be able to stay in my area, there is a rumor of a 9 week transfer so hopefully I can stay in Buduburam haha!!!! And chi!!!!! I love my district!!!!! They are so funny and crazy, haha!!!
Hope you all are being safe and not doing anything too crazy ok, haha!!! Keep me updated okay? I love you all so much!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
So, this week has been interesting. . .so my camera broke and well, it was broken by a small boy named Benjamin, so you might not see any pics from me for a while (NOTE: we haven't received any pics from Stockton, I have pilfered from his companions websites). And well, I only have a few pics of my area, haha!!!!!
So today, we went to see Elder Rasband!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was AMAZING!!!!!! I'm surprised I wasn't sent home, haha!!!! Also, I saw a few of my MTC bros there!!!! And chi!!!! I felt the spirit there.
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Driving to the Conference |
MTC Bros |
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With more missionaries from the Ghana Accra West Mission |
I felt like I was really on a mission and that I was really making a difference in people's lives over here. . .Also, he gave us a message from the prophet!!! He said. . ."Tell those people in Africa that I love them, and that I thank them for their service." I feel like I'm really making a difference now!!! Knowing that I'm being recognized for my efforts!!!!
So, other than that amazing day, it's been decent here. The rainy season is hitting us hard and the heat is crazy!!!! So, now I'm just trying to survive, haha!!! So, we have a few baptisms coming up this week, and hopefully we can visit with the candidates and make sure they don't have any problems, so yeah!! And, well, the spirit will guide us on what we need to do next.,
So, hopefully I'll be able to stay in my area, there is a rumor of a 9 week transfer so hopefully I can stay in Buduburam haha!!!! And chi!!!!! I love my district!!!!! They are so funny and crazy, haha!!!
Hope you all are being safe and not doing anything too crazy ok, haha!!! Keep me updated okay? I love you all so much!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
March 7, 2016 Email
Hey Everyone!!!!!!
So this week has been pretty crazy to say the least. So, the rainy season is coming and well, it got really bad on Saturday night. We walked home in the rain and we were soaked from head to toe!!!!! But, on the plus side, we can walk outside and take a shower in the rain, haha!!!!!
So this week has been a little tricky, not a lot of people were free to see us and we had a lot of stuff going on this week that prevented us from going out and teaching. Also, the stories I hear in the apartment are pretty crazy!!!!! There are paranormal stories, then there's cool gospel stories and its' pretty intense sometimes, haha!!!! And ell, it's been pretty amazing to say the least!!!! Oh, and also, my bed broke and now I'm like, leaning when I go to sleep, haha!!!
So, right now we have a few baptisms coming up this week and hopefully we can get Elder Paddin to go in and visit with them before we dunk 'em!!!!!!! And well, it's just been pretty cool. So, now I need to show the rest of the area to Wallin and it's going to be amazing!!! He's a cook guy and its pretty amazing to work with him.
And no, I didn't bleach my hair, mainly because an apostle is coming. Elder Rasband is coming to visit our mission next Monday!!!!! CHI!!!! I'm nervous to be quite honest, haha, just hearing stories of other apostles sending missionaries home for not being worthy or something like that. . .chi, I'm nervous, haha!!! Luckily, Paddin's pretty good a giving haircuts, I don't know, but I think I look pretty dang good, hahahaha!!!!
Now listen up, if any of you come to Ghana, be sure to not go to the malls later in the day or on holidays, otherwise it's packed!!!!!! It's been pretty amazing here, and chi, I'm flippin' lucky to not get killed by a trotro, or a van/bus thing, and the crazy people who drive them!!!!!!!
Well, hopefully I'll be able to send you all some pictures here soon, so yeah, haha!!!! Hope you all are being safe, and don't do anything too crazy while I'm gone ok, haha!! I love you all!!!!! Be safe!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
So this week has been pretty crazy to say the least. So, the rainy season is coming and well, it got really bad on Saturday night. We walked home in the rain and we were soaked from head to toe!!!!! But, on the plus side, we can walk outside and take a shower in the rain, haha!!!!!
So this week has been a little tricky, not a lot of people were free to see us and we had a lot of stuff going on this week that prevented us from going out and teaching. Also, the stories I hear in the apartment are pretty crazy!!!!! There are paranormal stories, then there's cool gospel stories and its' pretty intense sometimes, haha!!!! And ell, it's been pretty amazing to say the least!!!! Oh, and also, my bed broke and now I'm like, leaning when I go to sleep, haha!!!
So, right now we have a few baptisms coming up this week and hopefully we can get Elder Paddin to go in and visit with them before we dunk 'em!!!!!!! And well, it's just been pretty cool. So, now I need to show the rest of the area to Wallin and it's going to be amazing!!! He's a cook guy and its pretty amazing to work with him.
And no, I didn't bleach my hair, mainly because an apostle is coming. Elder Rasband is coming to visit our mission next Monday!!!!! CHI!!!! I'm nervous to be quite honest, haha, just hearing stories of other apostles sending missionaries home for not being worthy or something like that. . .chi, I'm nervous, haha!!! Luckily, Paddin's pretty good a giving haircuts, I don't know, but I think I look pretty dang good, hahahaha!!!!
Now listen up, if any of you come to Ghana, be sure to not go to the malls later in the day or on holidays, otherwise it's packed!!!!!! It's been pretty amazing here, and chi, I'm flippin' lucky to not get killed by a trotro, or a van/bus thing, and the crazy people who drive them!!!!!!!
Well, hopefully I'll be able to send you all some pictures here soon, so yeah, haha!!!! Hope you all are being safe, and don't do anything too crazy while I'm gone ok, haha!! I love you all!!!!! Be safe!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
February 29, 2016 Email
Hey Everyone!!!!!!!!!
Chi, this week has been amazing!!!!! With the new missionaries, the apartment is crazy fun!!!! We do a lot of crazy stuff here and it's crazy fun!! Paddin and Wallin are new and they're amazing!!!! They have the coolest music to listen to, and it honestly feels more like home than ever!!!
Granted, I'm working all day in the hot sun and I'm surprisingly not getting burnt that badly, haha!!!!
So this week has been pretty cool!!! Showing Wallin the area and getting used to the fact that I'm leading and that we can take breaks now, haha!! With Roberts, we barely stopped for lunch, we just got biscuits and water for lunch. So now, it's nicepa!!!!!!! Wallin's a cool elder, and he enjoys talking to people!!! It's really fun to go around and contact people!!! So other than that, I've been showing him the area, preparing a few people for baptism in a few weeks. We ran into some problems with them and we had to move the dates around, so hopefully it will work out now!!!!
So, it's been ok. I've been getting better at remembering why I came out and why I'm here. I can't thank you all for the amazing support you all have give me!!!! And to be honest, the music really helps, haha!!! So now, I'm just doing what I can to be a good missionary!!!!!
Thanks everyone!!!! I love you all, and keep you all in my prayers!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
Chi, this week has been amazing!!!!! With the new missionaries, the apartment is crazy fun!!!! We do a lot of crazy stuff here and it's crazy fun!! Paddin and Wallin are new and they're amazing!!!! They have the coolest music to listen to, and it honestly feels more like home than ever!!!
Granted, I'm working all day in the hot sun and I'm surprisingly not getting burnt that badly, haha!!!!
So this week has been pretty cool!!! Showing Wallin the area and getting used to the fact that I'm leading and that we can take breaks now, haha!! With Roberts, we barely stopped for lunch, we just got biscuits and water for lunch. So now, it's nicepa!!!!!!! Wallin's a cool elder, and he enjoys talking to people!!! It's really fun to go around and contact people!!! So other than that, I've been showing him the area, preparing a few people for baptism in a few weeks. We ran into some problems with them and we had to move the dates around, so hopefully it will work out now!!!!
So, it's been ok. I've been getting better at remembering why I came out and why I'm here. I can't thank you all for the amazing support you all have give me!!!! And to be honest, the music really helps, haha!!! So now, I'm just doing what I can to be a good missionary!!!!!
Thanks everyone!!!! I love you all, and keep you all in my prayers!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
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