What a wonderful journey this has been. Africa is losing a great missionary, but we are gaining a piece of our hearts back!!!!
Stockton's Ghana Mission
Follow Stockton's adventures as he serves a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Ghana, Africa for two years.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Hop, Skip & a Jump
So now that his hop (Accra to Amsterdam) is done, he only has a skip and a jump left. This skip is across the pond which will take 9 hours and 22 minutes. He will wing his way through 7 time zones to land in Minneapolis (finally on American soil again).
Can't wait to see this kid of ours. . .
Can't wait to see this kid of ours. . .
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Out of Africa
Stockton has officially left Africa. This boy is headed home.
He is in the first leg of his trip, Accra to Amsterdam (6 hours and 45 minutes). He is hopping one time zone for this portion.
He is in the first leg of his trip, Accra to Amsterdam (6 hours and 45 minutes). He is hopping one time zone for this portion.
Monday, October 30, 2017
October 30, 2017 Final Email
Hey everyone!!!! This will be my last full email because I'll only email to tell you guys to be at the airport next week haha!!!!! This is just beyond amazing!!!!!!
This week has been very rewarding. We had a pretty good time running around and discovering more about the area an the places to be. So Tuesday was quite the full day. We went out and met up with Alice. We taught her about Joseph Smith and she seemed to understand pretty well. We left and met up with Kingsley and Jennifer. So that wasn't a good lesson because they didn't really get along too well. We then left and went to see a few people but that failed. We ended up seeing Frank early and that was still good. We left and saw the Osais and that was good. We even got the mother to join the lesson and that was good. We then left and tried to go visit Jerry and his friends, but that failed. We left and went and taught Earnistina in her compound. We then went and taught the hair cutters and that was pretty good. We came back home and yeah.
Now Wednesday is always a fun day. We got up and went to DCM. That was cool except that part where I was giving a little instruction for the district haha!!!! We left and decided to go to a lot of people, but that failed. We ended up going and seeing Nana Yaw and that was pretty good. We left and came to see Mercy. We talked to her about church and why she didn't come, she said her old church is disturbing her and that she was busy so that was a bummer. We left and tried to meet up with Jerry and a few others, but that didn't work out. We then left and came back for our Coordination meeting. That went pretty well and then we got the chance to meet with Nana Ekow again. For those who can't remember Nana Ekow he is a referral from the church and he is very interesting. He says he receives revelations and visions, but only when he smokes marijuana in his room sooooooo. . . .yeah not that different from other people I have taught haha!!! We met him and he seemed pretty cool. We taught him the first few points of the Restoration and then we decided to end because we think that he might think that he's a prophet. We came back and that was the end of that day.
Thursday was pretty packed!!! We got up and got right to work. We left and tried to see Emama, but she was too tired to listen. We went and taught Frank and that was good. We left and taught Alice about the Book of Mormon. We think that went very well. We then left and taught Kingsley about the Introduction to the Book of Mormon again so that he understood very well, the coolest part was that he liked the feelings that he had when he learned with us and when he read from the book we gave him. He accepted to be baptized on November 5th!!!!! So if everything works out, I can have my last baptism right before I leave Achimota!!!!! So we left there and went to see Peter. We talked to him and retaught him about Joseph Smith and Jesus Christ establishing His church again. He understood well and that was good. We left and met up with Isaac. So Isaac is an interesting guy who can speak a few different languages outside of Ghana haha!!! A little Spanish, Chinese, and yeah haha!!!! We taught him and it was pretty good. We left and met up with the haircutters and that was pretty good. We taught them the first part of the Plan of Salvation. We left and taught Christianna about the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price. All she has to do is get ready for this Sunday and she will receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. We came back and that was a pretty good day.
NoW Friday, so in the beginning it started pretty well and as for the end well that's another story haha!!! We woke up and did our weekly planning and that was pretty good. We left and went to go see a member in Taifa. We found a lady named Aunty Julie and that was nice!!! We had Rice Ball and Groundnut soup!!!!! We then had to go see Mercy. We went and taught her and that was good. We left and tried to see the Osai family but that failed. We ended up going and seeing Frank. So as we were teaching him we noticed that the clouds were getting much darker. Also a hint that all that day the clouds were dark, but these were dark storm clouds. We ended the lesson and as we were going home we ended up getting completely soaked!!!!! We got back and there was no electricity so that sucked as well!!!! We ended up staying there and not being able to go out to teach again. We sat in the apartment and ended up playing Monopoly. So here is the thing. . .Nigerians are some of the most prideful people I have ever seen in my entire life!!!!! We were playing and it was pretty intense and Bangura had a hotel location and Akpan landed there. He refused to sell his locations and refused to mortgage them. So, we ended up with him saying "I won't sell" so he was out. So we all played on still and it was pretty nice. We finished and then went to bed with light, but then later that night it went out again. . .LIGHT OFF SUCKS!!!!
Now Saturday was pretty fun. We got up and went out fast. We went and met a guy named Fred, we met him like a month ago and now we had the chance to sit down and teach him. We left and taught the Yeboahs a few things. We told them to come to church and yeah. We then left and taught Jerry. We left and met up with a guy named William. He was pretty cool and we only had a little time with him because we thought it was going to rain hard on us again so we left for our chop bar. We sat there but there was no rain that came. We ended up going out again and we saw Alice and her friend Kendrick. We had a good lesson with them and the Introduction to the Book of Mormon. We went and found a member named Nancy. She's from Nigeria and we ended up teaching her husband. We left and went to go teach Christianna. We came home and that was that.
Now Sunday was crazy haha!!! We got up and went to go pick Jerry for church. As we were riding down we were pretty sure that we saw Kingsley, but we weren't too sure. We went on to go pick Jerry, but he said he neded to go buy things for his dad so we just left and came all the way back. We found Christianna there and that was super cool!!!! She was confirmed a member and she receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. We had Nana Ekow there, Nana Ekwai, and a few of the Yeboahs. No one else came and that was a bummer. We had church and then came back. We got everything ready and then we went out. We went and ran into a lot of people. So Jerry was busy so he didn't come. We went and saw Moses and answered tons of his questions!!! We haven't seen/sat down with Moses in like a month!!! We talked to him and taught him more and answered his questions about the Book of Mormon. We then left and met with Earnistinna. We taught her and then we left and came back to see Obed and Dennis. It was a sweet lesson and they remembered so much and understood very well. We left and at the last minute we found a referral named Francis Mensah. So we taught him and he ran into missionaries over 3 years ago, but he hasn't been able to learn. Now he's back in Accra and is able to learn. We talked to him and then came home. So that was that.
Now today we got up and went to cafe small so I could write this entire thing, after that we met up with Lambson and Bates!!!!!!! We traveled to Chantan to find some old sites and see some old faces and that was AMAZING!!!!! Chai it's amazing how fast time flies when it comes to seeing old companions and going to old areas. . .I haven't been able to visit any other areas, but that's ok. I'll try to come back here and see them so that's what I plan for.
Mission has been a once in a lifetime experience and I couldn't be more satisfied with this choice. In the beginning I wasn't the best, and even as I have served I wasn't the best missionary, but that never held me back from doing better. I can say this, I have learned to improve. I've learned that I want to make something of myself as I grow, and more important I know that I would rather follow God than follow the vain ambitions of men. It won't be easy when I return, but I can't wait to come home. Watch out world, here I go!!!!!!! Soon I will be saying "goodbye to the best 2 years I've known!!!!!!" I know that God lives, I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. I know Joseph Smith to be a true prophet of God. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. This is His church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that it is His kingdom.
I love you all and I hope you all are doing AMAZING back home!!!!! Almost there, and I couldn't be more happy or sad in my life.
This is Elder Stockton Matthew Smith, signing off.
Now Wednesday is always a fun day. We got up and went to DCM. That was cool except that part where I was giving a little instruction for the district haha!!!! We left and decided to go to a lot of people, but that failed. We ended up going and seeing Nana Yaw and that was pretty good. We left and came to see Mercy. We talked to her about church and why she didn't come, she said her old church is disturbing her and that she was busy so that was a bummer. We left and tried to meet up with Jerry and a few others, but that didn't work out. We then left and came back for our Coordination meeting. That went pretty well and then we got the chance to meet with Nana Ekow again. For those who can't remember Nana Ekow he is a referral from the church and he is very interesting. He says he receives revelations and visions, but only when he smokes marijuana in his room sooooooo. . . .yeah not that different from other people I have taught haha!!! We met him and he seemed pretty cool. We taught him the first few points of the Restoration and then we decided to end because we think that he might think that he's a prophet. We came back and that was the end of that day.
Thursday was pretty packed!!! We got up and got right to work. We left and tried to see Emama, but she was too tired to listen. We went and taught Frank and that was good. We left and taught Alice about the Book of Mormon. We think that went very well. We then left and taught Kingsley about the Introduction to the Book of Mormon again so that he understood very well, the coolest part was that he liked the feelings that he had when he learned with us and when he read from the book we gave him. He accepted to be baptized on November 5th!!!!! So if everything works out, I can have my last baptism right before I leave Achimota!!!!! So we left there and went to see Peter. We talked to him and retaught him about Joseph Smith and Jesus Christ establishing His church again. He understood well and that was good. We left and met up with Isaac. So Isaac is an interesting guy who can speak a few different languages outside of Ghana haha!!! A little Spanish, Chinese, and yeah haha!!!! We taught him and it was pretty good. We left and met up with the haircutters and that was pretty good. We taught them the first part of the Plan of Salvation. We left and taught Christianna about the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price. All she has to do is get ready for this Sunday and she will receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. We came back and that was a pretty good day.
NoW Friday, so in the beginning it started pretty well and as for the end well that's another story haha!!! We woke up and did our weekly planning and that was pretty good. We left and went to go see a member in Taifa. We found a lady named Aunty Julie and that was nice!!! We had Rice Ball and Groundnut soup!!!!! We then had to go see Mercy. We went and taught her and that was good. We left and tried to see the Osai family but that failed. We ended up going and seeing Frank. So as we were teaching him we noticed that the clouds were getting much darker. Also a hint that all that day the clouds were dark, but these were dark storm clouds. We ended the lesson and as we were going home we ended up getting completely soaked!!!!! We got back and there was no electricity so that sucked as well!!!! We ended up staying there and not being able to go out to teach again. We sat in the apartment and ended up playing Monopoly. So here is the thing. . .Nigerians are some of the most prideful people I have ever seen in my entire life!!!!! We were playing and it was pretty intense and Bangura had a hotel location and Akpan landed there. He refused to sell his locations and refused to mortgage them. So, we ended up with him saying "I won't sell" so he was out. So we all played on still and it was pretty nice. We finished and then went to bed with light, but then later that night it went out again. . .LIGHT OFF SUCKS!!!!
Now Saturday was pretty fun. We got up and went out fast. We went and met a guy named Fred, we met him like a month ago and now we had the chance to sit down and teach him. We left and taught the Yeboahs a few things. We told them to come to church and yeah. We then left and taught Jerry. We left and met up with a guy named William. He was pretty cool and we only had a little time with him because we thought it was going to rain hard on us again so we left for our chop bar. We sat there but there was no rain that came. We ended up going out again and we saw Alice and her friend Kendrick. We had a good lesson with them and the Introduction to the Book of Mormon. We went and found a member named Nancy. She's from Nigeria and we ended up teaching her husband. We left and went to go teach Christianna. We came home and that was that.
Now Sunday was crazy haha!!! We got up and went to go pick Jerry for church. As we were riding down we were pretty sure that we saw Kingsley, but we weren't too sure. We went on to go pick Jerry, but he said he neded to go buy things for his dad so we just left and came all the way back. We found Christianna there and that was super cool!!!! She was confirmed a member and she receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. We had Nana Ekow there, Nana Ekwai, and a few of the Yeboahs. No one else came and that was a bummer. We had church and then came back. We got everything ready and then we went out. We went and ran into a lot of people. So Jerry was busy so he didn't come. We went and saw Moses and answered tons of his questions!!! We haven't seen/sat down with Moses in like a month!!! We talked to him and taught him more and answered his questions about the Book of Mormon. We then left and met with Earnistinna. We taught her and then we left and came back to see Obed and Dennis. It was a sweet lesson and they remembered so much and understood very well. We left and at the last minute we found a referral named Francis Mensah. So we taught him and he ran into missionaries over 3 years ago, but he hasn't been able to learn. Now he's back in Accra and is able to learn. We talked to him and then came home. So that was that.
Now today we got up and went to cafe small so I could write this entire thing, after that we met up with Lambson and Bates!!!!!!! We traveled to Chantan to find some old sites and see some old faces and that was AMAZING!!!!! Chai it's amazing how fast time flies when it comes to seeing old companions and going to old areas. . .I haven't been able to visit any other areas, but that's ok. I'll try to come back here and see them so that's what I plan for.
Mission has been a once in a lifetime experience and I couldn't be more satisfied with this choice. In the beginning I wasn't the best, and even as I have served I wasn't the best missionary, but that never held me back from doing better. I can say this, I have learned to improve. I've learned that I want to make something of myself as I grow, and more important I know that I would rather follow God than follow the vain ambitions of men. It won't be easy when I return, but I can't wait to come home. Watch out world, here I go!!!!!!! Soon I will be saying "goodbye to the best 2 years I've known!!!!!!" I know that God lives, I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. I know Joseph Smith to be a true prophet of God. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. This is His church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that it is His kingdom.
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Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. |
I love you all and I hope you all are doing AMAZING back home!!!!! Almost there, and I couldn't be more happy or sad in my life.
This is Elder Stockton Matthew Smith, signing off.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
October 23, 2017 Email
Now everyone, it was known this week that my companion was a boss!!!!!!! The roads of Ghana hath no sting to him the tro tros are mere dust balls in his presence, but the tro tro drivers are quite the terds haha!!!!! Memmot crashed last week on his bike, bit I totally forgot to put that haha in, by bad!!!!!
So this week has been very interesting to say the least. So Tuesday we had a little adventure riding around and exploring Pillar 2. That's now our area, but we needed to try to find a sister named Nana Ekwia, we ended up finding her, but coming back we got completely lost. So that was nice. We then went and met up with Mercy. So we just taught her a little and that was good. We left and met with Alice. Alice sees very clearly that some prophets/pastors are so fake. We talked to her a little bit and then went to see Emmanuel and Simon later. We talked to them and read the introduction to the Book of Mormon. We then left and tried to see Jerry, but that failed. We went and contacted a lady named Earnistinna. She stays near Jerry and she seems really nice. We tried to teach her, but she had something cooking so that didn't work out. We then left and taught Emmanuel, Bismark and Eric. So that was pretty good cuz we explained that as they keep the commandments we give them and that they seek to do good, God will bless them. We then left and saw Christianna and taught them more of the Book of Mormon. We came back and that was pretty much it.
Wednesday. Chai I have never had to work so hard to get members to accept a baptism before in my entire mission. On the plus side though I hit 23 months on mission so that was sweet!!!!! We went out early and met up with Mamma Lee and Adelade. They were pretty good, but Mamma Lee was busy so that was a bummer. We left them and went to go teach Kingsley!!!! We lost contact with Kingsley a little over a month ago and we then found him again. We found his place and then we went to go teach him. We ended up teaching him and his friend Jennifer just a little bit. We then left and taught Frank. It was pretty good to say the least. We ended up running around and found ourselves at Andrew Brown's. We started to read from 3 Nephi 11 to try to get him to resolve some of his concerns, but we'll see how that goes. We left and had to go to our Coordination meeting. So that was good, but the Ward Mission Leader had to go so we had to attend the meeting instead. Not only did the people come late, but it was only the Bishop that was there. We then talked about the upcoming baptisms this Sunday and, chai, I've never been more irritated in getting a baptism my entire mission. I won't say, but I don't see effective leadership skills in the people who are called to serve the Lord. We then came home later and yeah that was the day.
Sunday was the day my companion was a legend!!!! Christianna was baptized today!!!!! We got up and went to church, we had 3 people there and it was super nice. We picked Kingsley and that was super cool because he traveled all the way from Dome on his bike because he was worried he wouldn't have enough money for collection, but we don't do that so he was pretty happy by that. We then went to the church and it was pretty good. We had Christianna and 4 other people be baptized today. So Elder Memmott and I have worked tirelessly for this baptism and it was a super good experience. We did that and then we left. We went and contacted quite a few people such a Lovia, Beatrice and Peter. We talked to all of them and then we talked to Domonic and Nana Ya (a different one from the one in Dome Born Again). So that was good. We saw Obed and Dennis. So these people weren't in this order, but I'm just naming them. We then had the chance to go to Skovic and Moses' house and that was nice. We ended up coming back later and meeting with Moses at Mile 7!!!! Chai, it has been forever since we had seen him and it was just amazing!!! We then came home and that was basically the week!!!!!
We are heading to temple ball today and that will be fun. I got tons of gifts for you all, I just hope I can put them in my suitcase and have it be under 50 pounds haha!!!! Thanks for everything everyone!!!! I love you all and I hope that you all are doing AMAZING!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
October 16, 2017 Email
And it was known this week, that Elder Memmott and Elder Smith were amazing athletes in the work of the Lord!!!!! Hey everyone!!!!!! Check the week for ya!!!!!
So Tuesday, as for this day it was pretty decent. So we started off by leaving earlier and we went to go see Evelyn and we ended up teaching her and her best friend named Adjua or something like that. We had a good lesson until they started having people come to get their hair done. We then left and tried to see Emama, but that failed. We then went to go see Frank and we just read from the Book of Mormon and that was pretty good. We left and just tried our best to find people to teach, but it didn't work out too well. We then left and met up with an old friend of Memmott's and got some food. We then left from that and we went to see Jerry. That was pretty good and he's liking the church more and more. We then left and came home because we weren't able to see anyone else.
Wednesday is always the day of stress when it comes to seeing people and having meetings. So we went out to our DCM meeting. We had a good time learning more about how we can follow the example of Christ and achieve his attributes. We then left and went to go teach Mercy. We had a good lesson with her and it was a great time to see how the gospel works in other persons lives. We then left and contacted a guy named Prince. We taught him a little and then left to teach Frank. We then had the chance to head back to have our coordination meeting. So no offense to anyone, but I'm glad that we have our coordination meetings rather than going into PEC. So yeah that was that day.
Now Thursday was wicked. We went out and tried to teach Emama, but she was busy so we went and contacted these guys near her place. We then went and taught her and that was nice. We left and met up with Frank. So we wanted to bring him a talk from General Conference, but we forgot. We ended up reading more of the Book of Mormon. We then left and tried to see Mercy, but that failed. We came back and taught Jerry and his friend Sisino. We went and tried to find people to teach and that was somehow. We left and met up with Skovic and we found his house cuz he led us there. We then left and taught Christianna and that was aight. We came back and just chilled.
Friday was pretty intense as well. We got up and did a weekly planning session and then went out to see a few people. We were on our way to an appointment and we ran into Momma Lee and her daughter Adelade. We always went by their shop, but never taught them. We went and taught tem and it was pretty nice. We left and went and taught Alice. She's near another investigator's shop and she was free for us to teach her. She loves hearing the word of God and sees the many false churches and that they aren't serious. We left and taught Mercy and she just gave us the best answer in the world, she knows the Church is true and she accepted a date for November 5th to be baptized. She was very enthusiastic to hear about the Book of Mormon. We just introduced the Book of Mormon that day. We then left and met up with Frank. We taught him from the General Conference edition of the Liahona. The talk was titled "To the Friends and Investigators of the Church".** We had a good talk with him and we hope that that will increase his faith to come into the church. WE then left and met with Thelma. She is a lady that the others contacted while we were on exchange with each other. We finally taught her, but she doesn't understand a lot of English which is difficult. We then went and taught a few members of the Osai family and that was very nice. We taught them the last part of the Plan of Salvation and that was very interesting for them to learn about. We then left and saw Christianna and Samuel. We just read from the Book of Mormon and that was nice. We came back and yeah.
Now Saturday was just a pain in the butt for us. We went out early because we had a Priesthood session for our Stake Conference and that was ok. We went out and saw the Yeboahs and as always it wasn't the best, but we still taught them. We then left and met up with Mercy. We taught her a little bit and then we went to the Priesthood session in Ofankor. That was super nice because President Simpson totally chastised the people on the fact that we need to fulfill our responsibility in bringing people into the waters of baptism. So I will say nothing more on the roasting, but it was music to my ears haha!!!! We had a good time there and then we left and came back. We saw the Haircutters. So we tried to teach them all, but we only taught a few of them. We are seeing that Emmanuel, Eric and Bismark are showing the most progress in the group because they actually pay attention and show interest. We also met Eric, one friend of theirs. We then left and met with Christianna's group and that was very nice. We are starting to reteach the lessons so that Sisco will be able to catch up and learn more. So we taught them and that was very nice. We traveled back and that was good.
And Sunday, so it is always a pain when we have to get up and go pick someone, but it's for their eternal salvation so it's good. We went and picked up Jerry and that was it, his brothers were going to another church and said they would come next week. We then left for Ofankor for our Stake Conference. So here is the thing, more people show up for Stake Conference than General Conference, and they are so disrespectful and it's just too annoying. So we brought Jerry and then we saw a few of the Yeboahs there. We heard a lot of cool stuff and President Simpson was also there and it was super nice to hear form him and his wife. So we also saw Elder and Sister Munro for the last time, which was a major bummer!!!! We left and went to see people. We ended up going and meeting with Felicia, she told us that she wants to postpone her baptism until February when her husband returns. That made us super bummed, but we pressed forward. We met up with a few guys we contacted a few days ago, Obed and Dennis. So we had a good lesson with them, but we can only meet with them on Sundays so that will be good. We then left and ran around to see different people, but that failed as well. We ended up seeing Christianna and then the Yeboahs. We then left and came home. That was the week.
So as for today, we ran this morning to Kaneshi and I got some sick angelina shirts for the fam so that's super cool. We also had the chance to see a lot of people that I know in the market so that was nice. We then left and came back and well, here is the letter for all of you. It was known that Elder Memmott and Elder Smith were AMAZING champions and workers of the Lord, so yeah haha!!!!
Hope you all had an amazing week and are keeping safe!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
To the Friends and Investigators of the Church - by Elder Costa
So Tuesday, as for this day it was pretty decent. So we started off by leaving earlier and we went to go see Evelyn and we ended up teaching her and her best friend named Adjua or something like that. We had a good lesson until they started having people come to get their hair done. We then left and tried to see Emama, but that failed. We then went to go see Frank and we just read from the Book of Mormon and that was pretty good. We left and just tried our best to find people to teach, but it didn't work out too well. We then left and met up with an old friend of Memmott's and got some food. We then left from that and we went to see Jerry. That was pretty good and he's liking the church more and more. We then left and came home because we weren't able to see anyone else.
Hand carved nativity set |
Wednesday is always the day of stress when it comes to seeing people and having meetings. So we went out to our DCM meeting. We had a good time learning more about how we can follow the example of Christ and achieve his attributes. We then left and went to go teach Mercy. We had a good lesson with her and it was a great time to see how the gospel works in other persons lives. We then left and contacted a guy named Prince. We taught him a little and then left to teach Frank. We then had the chance to head back to have our coordination meeting. So no offense to anyone, but I'm glad that we have our coordination meetings rather than going into PEC. So yeah that was that day.
Now Thursday was wicked. We went out and tried to teach Emama, but she was busy so we went and contacted these guys near her place. We then went and taught her and that was nice. We left and met up with Frank. So we wanted to bring him a talk from General Conference, but we forgot. We ended up reading more of the Book of Mormon. We then left and tried to see Mercy, but that failed. We came back and taught Jerry and his friend Sisino. We went and tried to find people to teach and that was somehow. We left and met up with Skovic and we found his house cuz he led us there. We then left and taught Christianna and that was aight. We came back and just chilled.
Friday was pretty intense as well. We got up and did a weekly planning session and then went out to see a few people. We were on our way to an appointment and we ran into Momma Lee and her daughter Adelade. We always went by their shop, but never taught them. We went and taught tem and it was pretty nice. We left and went and taught Alice. She's near another investigator's shop and she was free for us to teach her. She loves hearing the word of God and sees the many false churches and that they aren't serious. We left and taught Mercy and she just gave us the best answer in the world, she knows the Church is true and she accepted a date for November 5th to be baptized. She was very enthusiastic to hear about the Book of Mormon. We just introduced the Book of Mormon that day. We then left and met up with Frank. We taught him from the General Conference edition of the Liahona. The talk was titled "To the Friends and Investigators of the Church".** We had a good talk with him and we hope that that will increase his faith to come into the church. WE then left and met with Thelma. She is a lady that the others contacted while we were on exchange with each other. We finally taught her, but she doesn't understand a lot of English which is difficult. We then went and taught a few members of the Osai family and that was very nice. We taught them the last part of the Plan of Salvation and that was very interesting for them to learn about. We then left and saw Christianna and Samuel. We just read from the Book of Mormon and that was nice. We came back and yeah.
Enjoying a smoothie |
Now Saturday was just a pain in the butt for us. We went out early because we had a Priesthood session for our Stake Conference and that was ok. We went out and saw the Yeboahs and as always it wasn't the best, but we still taught them. We then left and met up with Mercy. We taught her a little bit and then we went to the Priesthood session in Ofankor. That was super nice because President Simpson totally chastised the people on the fact that we need to fulfill our responsibility in bringing people into the waters of baptism. So I will say nothing more on the roasting, but it was music to my ears haha!!!! We had a good time there and then we left and came back. We saw the Haircutters. So we tried to teach them all, but we only taught a few of them. We are seeing that Emmanuel, Eric and Bismark are showing the most progress in the group because they actually pay attention and show interest. We also met Eric, one friend of theirs. We then left and met with Christianna's group and that was very nice. We are starting to reteach the lessons so that Sisco will be able to catch up and learn more. So we taught them and that was very nice. We traveled back and that was good.
And Sunday, so it is always a pain when we have to get up and go pick someone, but it's for their eternal salvation so it's good. We went and picked up Jerry and that was it, his brothers were going to another church and said they would come next week. We then left for Ofankor for our Stake Conference. So here is the thing, more people show up for Stake Conference than General Conference, and they are so disrespectful and it's just too annoying. So we brought Jerry and then we saw a few of the Yeboahs there. We heard a lot of cool stuff and President Simpson was also there and it was super nice to hear form him and his wife. So we also saw Elder and Sister Munro for the last time, which was a major bummer!!!! We left and went to see people. We ended up going and meeting with Felicia, she told us that she wants to postpone her baptism until February when her husband returns. That made us super bummed, but we pressed forward. We met up with a few guys we contacted a few days ago, Obed and Dennis. So we had a good lesson with them, but we can only meet with them on Sundays so that will be good. We then left and ran around to see different people, but that failed as well. We ended up seeing Christianna and then the Yeboahs. We then left and came home. That was the week.
So as for today, we ran this morning to Kaneshi and I got some sick angelina shirts for the fam so that's super cool. We also had the chance to see a lot of people that I know in the market so that was nice. We then left and came back and well, here is the letter for all of you. It was known that Elder Memmott and Elder Smith were AMAZING champions and workers of the Lord, so yeah haha!!!!
Hope you all had an amazing week and are keeping safe!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
To the Friends and Investigators of the Church - by Elder Costa
October 9, 2017 Email
Hey everyone!!!! Chai things are pretty sweet here in Achimota, but this week wasn't the best for our numbers. We'll dominate this next week though so that'll be good. So as for the week here it was pretty straight forward I guess haha!!
So as for Tuesday it was pretty cool. We got up and went out and had the chance to sit down with Emama. She was pretty cool and we got the chance to sit with her for a little bit. We then left and went to Frank. So after the lesson we just sat and talked with him for a while about animals and stuff, it was weird, by oddly cool haha!!! We went around and met up with the Osai family. So here's the thing in Ghana, either little kids are death scared of us or they love us haha!!!! That happened with these cute little girls here in this compound with the Osai family. Chai little African kids are growing on me, they aren't too bad once you get used to them haha!!!! So we left and saw Jerry. We introduced the Book of Mormon to him and we didn't have the time to teach a lot so we left. We went to Christianna and we talked about what she liked from the General Conference. She loved the talks and it was a super nice experience haha!!! We came back and that wrapped up that day.
Now here is the problem here in Africa, those who enter the church have such enthusiasm for the missionary work, but aren't too bright. The "culture" of the people vs. the welfare of the souls of the children of men. . .and this is iyiyiyi. . .So to begin our Wednesday we had our DCM and that was nice as always. We then left and tried to meet up with an old investigator of Bangura's. Her name is Mercy, but she wasn't there so we taught a lady named Favor. So more than anything in missionary work and even life is that "first impressions have the most impact". Favor said she learned with missionaries before and that she even had a date to be baptized, but due to some unforeseen accidents she wasn't baptized. She also made mention that she didn't have the best church experience. . .this happens a lot in Africa from what I hear. So in church people ask the most stupid questions and can't control the teaching lesson, so when she went to the church she said it sounded more like a court case than a church service. They were talking about divorce and stuff like that on the Sunday that she came, sooooo she had a bad experience. This happens numerous times with people who are not qualified to teach, I won't say more, but yeah. So after that we tried to find more people to teach we just ended up not finding anyone and we went to our meeting with the War mission leader. So he never showed so we had to go to PEC again and chai that just made me mad! So we were hoping to baptize some people on the 21st of this month and confirm them that next day, but due to the laziness of the people and the lack of understanding that the people can't do baptisms on Saturdays because the people don't want to come and that they think it's ineffective. . .I've had to put up with that for my whole mission and yet I still did baptism on Saturdays just with the missionaries and a few members and that was more spiritual and uplifting than an uncontrolled service after Sunday when everyone wants to go home and don't care what's going on. Chai I'm just too fired up about this and it makes me very upset to see that even the people here don't understand the importance of a child of God coming into the waters of baptism!!!!! So yeah, we left and just went home.
Now Thursday was a day to remember! That day a few in our district were going to the temple to celebrate their 1 Year on Mission, so we were invited and we went. Chai the Ghana Accra Temple is amazing!!! I've only gone in a few times, but it's amazing. The funny thing was that I would be heading in there a little over a month later for my own departing session. . .crazy to think. We went through and it was nice. We then went and ate, chai. . .I'm getting fat from all the ampacey and garden egg stew I'm eating haha!!! We left and came home. We went and met Frank when we got back. We taught him a little and then went to the Haircutters, so they are doing ok, but not the best haha. We read the intro to the Book of Mormon. We then left and came home to enjoy more of their 1 Year at the Mall haha!!!!! Don't worry, I only enjoyed a little bit, it's crazy to see how fast mission files, not only for my own mission, but for other missionaries around me!!!!!
. . .and the rain came down and the Elders stayed in, the rain came down and the Elders stayed in, the rain came down and the Elders stayed in until the sun came late. . .So Friday we had it rain quite a bit for the morning haha!!! So we had our planning and then we went out. We tried to meet a lady named Nana Ekwia, but that failed cuz she was busy. We instead went to Frank and read more of the Book of Mormon with him. We are just trying to help him receive his answer on whether he should be baptized and come to church, but it's hard. We went and tried to see a lady named Aunty Julie. She is a lady we met a few days ago and we got the chance to see her, but that failed. We then taught her nephew who is ironically less-active so that was super cool!!!! He was baptized like 7 years ago and he misses the church, he just never has time to come. We talked to him and then we left to go see Evelyn because they were busy. We taught Evelyn, but it was hard cuz she was busy. I feel that if she wasn't busy and we got the chance to sit with her without her being distracted she would be sweet!!!!! We left and went to a group of people we taught on Sunday, but that failed so we traveled around. We tried to see a lot of people, but we didn't have a lot of luck with that. I also forgot to say that we discovered a secret road to Taifa, the other part of our area that is too far away that we just happened to have found a short cut in our area in Dome haha!!! We left and went to Jerry's. So in a way, we are just coming up with a lot of sweet game ideas that will be super big!!!! When I make them it'll be sweet haha!!! We then had to go and meet Andrew, so we read from the Book of Mormon. So he tried to disprove the Book of Mormon very stupidly right off the bat, but we totally shut him down. We continued and he did a little better at learning. We then left and saw Christianna's group and that was nice as always. We came back and that wrapped up Friday.
Now as for Saturday, it was pretty cool. So we went out and had a baptism for the Elders at Ofankor. So the funny part was that we left crazy late and had a meeting with a member and so when we went we missed the whole baptism so that was the start of the long day. We then left and met with Frank. So when we saw him it was pretty good. Memmot said he got a headache and didn't feel too good, but we pressed on. We then went to the Yeboahs to tell them to come to church and to teach them a bit. Memmott didn't feel any better from that. We then left to see Esther and tell her about church and that she was invited. So we had to leave and head home cuz Memmott did not feel good at all. So we got there and he crashed haha!!!! So he had a bad fever and the chills which just suck on mission!!!!! We waited there and then a big storm came so that didn't help either for going back out if he got better. We then had light off which sucked. So that was basically that day which ended in us having our light back.
Sunday, so today was pretty good. We left and went to go pick some investigators in the morning. We met Jerry and his brothers and we got them to come to church. We got there and only Christianna and Angel came. So we had 5 there and then we had a new face come and she is the person we are supposed to go and teach. We then left and came home. We just went out and tried our best to find more people to teach. We managed to find 4 new people to teach and that was super cool!!!! We then came back and then left again for the Yeboahs. So we chastised the family because they all didn't come to church so that sucked. But 4 missionaries against one family. . .I think we won haha!!!! We then left and saw Christianna for a little bit. We then came home and that was that. That wrapped up that day!!!!
As for today we went and played basketball and I saw tons of my buds there again haha!!!! Chai life on mission is sweet and I couldn't be happier to serve at this moment!!!!
Hope you all had an AMAZING week!!!!!!! Take care of yourselves, hope to hear from you all soon, and remember to stay AMAZING!!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
So as for Tuesday it was pretty cool. We got up and went out and had the chance to sit down with Emama. She was pretty cool and we got the chance to sit with her for a little bit. We then left and went to Frank. So after the lesson we just sat and talked with him for a while about animals and stuff, it was weird, by oddly cool haha!!! We went around and met up with the Osai family. So here's the thing in Ghana, either little kids are death scared of us or they love us haha!!!! That happened with these cute little girls here in this compound with the Osai family. Chai little African kids are growing on me, they aren't too bad once you get used to them haha!!!! So we left and saw Jerry. We introduced the Book of Mormon to him and we didn't have the time to teach a lot so we left. We went to Christianna and we talked about what she liked from the General Conference. She loved the talks and it was a super nice experience haha!!! We came back and that wrapped up that day.
Now here is the problem here in Africa, those who enter the church have such enthusiasm for the missionary work, but aren't too bright. The "culture" of the people vs. the welfare of the souls of the children of men. . .and this is iyiyiyi. . .So to begin our Wednesday we had our DCM and that was nice as always. We then left and tried to meet up with an old investigator of Bangura's. Her name is Mercy, but she wasn't there so we taught a lady named Favor. So more than anything in missionary work and even life is that "first impressions have the most impact". Favor said she learned with missionaries before and that she even had a date to be baptized, but due to some unforeseen accidents she wasn't baptized. She also made mention that she didn't have the best church experience. . .this happens a lot in Africa from what I hear. So in church people ask the most stupid questions and can't control the teaching lesson, so when she went to the church she said it sounded more like a court case than a church service. They were talking about divorce and stuff like that on the Sunday that she came, sooooo she had a bad experience. This happens numerous times with people who are not qualified to teach, I won't say more, but yeah. So after that we tried to find more people to teach we just ended up not finding anyone and we went to our meeting with the War mission leader. So he never showed so we had to go to PEC again and chai that just made me mad! So we were hoping to baptize some people on the 21st of this month and confirm them that next day, but due to the laziness of the people and the lack of understanding that the people can't do baptisms on Saturdays because the people don't want to come and that they think it's ineffective. . .I've had to put up with that for my whole mission and yet I still did baptism on Saturdays just with the missionaries and a few members and that was more spiritual and uplifting than an uncontrolled service after Sunday when everyone wants to go home and don't care what's going on. Chai I'm just too fired up about this and it makes me very upset to see that even the people here don't understand the importance of a child of God coming into the waters of baptism!!!!! So yeah, we left and just went home.
Now Thursday was a day to remember! That day a few in our district were going to the temple to celebrate their 1 Year on Mission, so we were invited and we went. Chai the Ghana Accra Temple is amazing!!! I've only gone in a few times, but it's amazing. The funny thing was that I would be heading in there a little over a month later for my own departing session. . .crazy to think. We went through and it was nice. We then went and ate, chai. . .I'm getting fat from all the ampacey and garden egg stew I'm eating haha!!! We left and came home. We went and met Frank when we got back. We taught him a little and then went to the Haircutters, so they are doing ok, but not the best haha. We read the intro to the Book of Mormon. We then left and came home to enjoy more of their 1 Year at the Mall haha!!!!! Don't worry, I only enjoyed a little bit, it's crazy to see how fast mission files, not only for my own mission, but for other missionaries around me!!!!!
. . .and the rain came down and the Elders stayed in, the rain came down and the Elders stayed in, the rain came down and the Elders stayed in until the sun came late. . .So Friday we had it rain quite a bit for the morning haha!!! So we had our planning and then we went out. We tried to meet a lady named Nana Ekwia, but that failed cuz she was busy. We instead went to Frank and read more of the Book of Mormon with him. We are just trying to help him receive his answer on whether he should be baptized and come to church, but it's hard. We went and tried to see a lady named Aunty Julie. She is a lady we met a few days ago and we got the chance to see her, but that failed. We then taught her nephew who is ironically less-active so that was super cool!!!! He was baptized like 7 years ago and he misses the church, he just never has time to come. We talked to him and then we left to go see Evelyn because they were busy. We taught Evelyn, but it was hard cuz she was busy. I feel that if she wasn't busy and we got the chance to sit with her without her being distracted she would be sweet!!!!! We left and went to a group of people we taught on Sunday, but that failed so we traveled around. We tried to see a lot of people, but we didn't have a lot of luck with that. I also forgot to say that we discovered a secret road to Taifa, the other part of our area that is too far away that we just happened to have found a short cut in our area in Dome haha!!! We left and went to Jerry's. So in a way, we are just coming up with a lot of sweet game ideas that will be super big!!!! When I make them it'll be sweet haha!!! We then had to go and meet Andrew, so we read from the Book of Mormon. So he tried to disprove the Book of Mormon very stupidly right off the bat, but we totally shut him down. We continued and he did a little better at learning. We then left and saw Christianna's group and that was nice as always. We came back and that wrapped up Friday.
Sunday, so today was pretty good. We left and went to go pick some investigators in the morning. We met Jerry and his brothers and we got them to come to church. We got there and only Christianna and Angel came. So we had 5 there and then we had a new face come and she is the person we are supposed to go and teach. We then left and came home. We just went out and tried our best to find more people to teach. We managed to find 4 new people to teach and that was super cool!!!! We then came back and then left again for the Yeboahs. So we chastised the family because they all didn't come to church so that sucked. But 4 missionaries against one family. . .I think we won haha!!!! We then left and saw Christianna for a little bit. We then came home and that was that. That wrapped up that day!!!!
As for today we went and played basketball and I saw tons of my buds there again haha!!!! Chai life on mission is sweet and I couldn't be happier to serve at this moment!!!!
Hope you all had an AMAZING week!!!!!!! Take care of yourselves, hope to hear from you all soon, and remember to stay AMAZING!!!!!!!
Elder Stockton Smith
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